
Audio Codec - Output Sine wave

A codec is a device or program that compresses data for transmission and decompresses the received data.

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A hardware circuit that converts sound waves into PCM digital code and vice versa. The term may refer to only the A/D and D/A conversion, or it may include the compression technique for further reducing the signal (definition #1 above). If the codec is specialized for human voice, it is known as a "speech codec," "voice codec" or "vocoder" (see speech codec).

Ameba RTL8722DM is a low-power dual-band WLAN and Bluetooth Low Energy SoC by Realtek. The RTL8722DM also include memory for Wi-Fi protocol functions and application making it simple for anyone to develop various kind of IoT applications. At the same time it has a wide range of peripheral interfaces. With all these interfaces, it can connect to most of the electronics components like LEDs, temperature and humidity sensors, and so on.

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  • 1 × RTL8722DM_MINI Microcontroller

  • 1

    As RTL8722DM MINI have a built in microphone on the board, there is no need for any external microphone.

    Open the example, “Files” -> “Examples” -> “AmebaAudioCodec” -> “OutputSineWave”.

  • 2
    Final Result

    Upload the code and press the reset button on Ameba once the upload is finished.
    Connect a pair of wired headphones to the 3.5mm audio jack and you should hear the generate single sinusoidal tone.

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