
3D Printed Palletizing Robot Arm

A small robot arm with palletizer kinematics set up that it can be printed with the FDM printer at home. Motion controller and software...

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As a test for the new 3D printer :) a robot project was set up! The robot should have a decent size, but still be easy to manufacture and assemble. Main design decisions were:

- Small stepper motors
- Modular set up for the gear boxes, the robot uses three identical drive units
- Gear box with wolfrom gear stage 1:76
- Ball bearings in all joints

The robot has been set up in SolidWorks, the .stl and .step files will be available soon.

The gearbox has its own project with Step and STL files:

Currently assembling the basic robot, test, improvements, vacuum gripper, 4th rotational axis, referencing switches etc are still missing...

Follows soon...

STL files for the palletizer

x-zip-compressed - 3.66 MB - 10/22/2022 at 17:06



CAD file of the robot with stepper motors; some parts are missing, eg bearings of steel axis

step - 7.38 MB - 10/22/2022 at 17:05


  • 3 × Stepper motor NEMA17 e.g. 17HS15-1504S-X1
  • 1 × Motion controller PoKeys57E, a motion controller with Ethernet connection. Requires additional 5V supply.
  • 3 × Motor controller PoStep 25-32 small stepper motor controller
  • 10 × Ball bearings small MR 104 2RS 4x10x4 mm
  • 6 × Ball bearings big 605 2RS 5x14x5 mm

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  • 1
    Programming software

    For this robot I used the RobotDimensionControl, a 3D Windows software. The maker version is free:

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Theodore Giouzelis wrote 10/24/2022 at 08:13 point

Hi, I wanted to know , is it possible to share a video of the robot arm moving in action ? I would appreciate it.

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Theodore Giouzelis wrote 10/23/2022 at 09:16 point

Hi, the user guide in English is still in German language when I try to download it from website. Can you give me the link to download the version in English. Thanks

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Theodore Giouzelis wrote 09/04/2022 at 11:09 point


Very nice project, is it possible to share the cad files ? Also what type of programming and electronics are you using ?


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gearswheelsrobots wrote 10/22/2022 at 17:12 point

Hi Theodore, sorry for the late reply! I uploaded the CAD files as step and stl, I hope you can use them. There are not all parts modeled, I will further instructions.

I used electronics from PoLabs, the PoKeys57E controller and PoStep25 stepper motor controller. 

As programming software I use the RDC from RobotDimension. The maker version is free.

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