
Wrist ready - wearability test #1

A project log for 3X0 - 3D Printable exoskeleton concept

A functional 3D printable full body exoskeleton - Passive concept development

andrea-piccinnoAndrea Piccinno 03/21/2022 at 21:243 Comments

After 2 iterations for proper wrist pivot location, finally I achieved a good compromise.

Overall, the wrist has 2 degreed of freedom, one dependent from the other, which make it quite comfortable and allow pretty much all main movements.

First rotation is given by a custom made bearing all around the wrist/forearm, second rotation is about 2 608RS bearings placed on the sides of the real wrist.

The whole piece is jointed to the articulated hand. Next step will be a movement /wearability test with the rest of the exoskeleton and then hand actuation.


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dekutree64 wrote 03/30/2022 at 23:47 point

Brilliant work! I thought about making something like this so I could put potentiometers on the joints for a control glove, but couldn't visualize exactly how to do it. I ended up using absolute orientation sensors to indirectly measure the joint angles, but mechanical would be more precise and reliable. Still need to figure out how to transmit the wrist motion to the potentiometer with gears or something due to its large diameter, and I would like to make everything more slender since it won't be load-bearing, but the overall structure looks great.

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Andrea Piccinno wrote 03/31/2022 at 08:16 point

Thanks! I'm planning to add actuation too and sensors should be placed on the two bearings. In particular the forearm bearing could be turned into a gear one and the fixed element would be solid with the rest of the arm. If it's not loaded the overall structure could be definetly slimmed down a lot, also the finger frame could be just a shell. In my case I had to keep the overall structure quite solid since the main aim would be to carry a certain amount of load.

I'll try to make a parallel version too which is more slender and can be used for other aims.

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kelvinA wrote 03/21/2022 at 22:54 point

Looks very nice

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