mapping.txtThe mapping file lists the number of categories, and then the categories itself. The categories have to correspond directly to the file names containing the quotes of the category.plain - 2.02 kB - 12/18/2021 at 18:39 |
QUOTES.CSVThe original quotes "database" in CSV format. This file is converted with into a set of smaller files, see DB zip, which are used by The - 11.89 MB - 12/18/2021 at 18:34 |
readcsv.pyThe Python converter - reads the CSV, and creates the files found in the DB zip.x-python - 1.41 kB - 12/18/2021 at 18:33 |
db.zipThe pre-processed database of quotes. These files were generated from the attached CSV file with the help of the Python program.Zip Archive - 421.80 kB - 12/18/2021 at 18:31 |
TheInspirer-v2.inoArduino codeino - 13.01 kB - 12/18/2021 at 18:15 |