
5G Wi-Fi Scanner

WiFi scanner able to scan 2.4G and 5G band and display WiFi devices in close proximity

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Wanna see what Wi-Fi device is nearby? but worried it can't cover all Wi-Fi band?

You can worry no more, this 5G Wi-Fi scanner help you find out all the Wi-Fi signals in the 2.4GHz and 5GHz band and display the name, signal strength and security type on a palm-size full color display, very handy tool when comes to analyzing the Wi-Fi signal near you.

Take a look of the demo above


The goal of this project is to build a versatile handheld WiFi toolkit that is able to,

1. Scan

2. Analyze

3. Connect

4. Test

The Wi-Fi signals in the close proximity , thus this is only the first part of the project,  next we will add some more useful features to this device to make it even more useful and versatile


Arduino Code for this project

ino - 5.72 kB - 12/22/2021 at 15:30


  • 1 × Ameba A1 Pico with RTL8720DN (BW16)
  • 1 × TFT LCD SPI Display 2.2" (ILI9341)
  • 9 × jumper wire
  • 2 × mini breadboard

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