This project is aimed at creating an air quality controller using several gas sensors, temperature, humidity and pressure sensors, and all this should be done with Arduino Nano, ESP8266 and powers from USB 5V with maximum consumpion of .7A (target - .5A)
- 5 air quality sensors
- Web reporting (ThingSpeak API, 2 channels)
- On-screen warnings
- Real-time clock
- .96" SSD1306 OLED display
- Dual-type power adapter
- Power management
- Event-driven architecture (using custom firmware framework)
- Small memoty consuption and footprint
- Easy support and upgrade
Power management scheme
- Constantly active devices (total: ~150mA):
- Arduino Nano: ~20mA
- DS3211: <1mA
- BME280: 1mA
- ESP-01: max 120mA (3.3V)
- OLED: max 15mA
- MH-Z19B: max 150mA // CO2
- Touch-button sensor
- Periodically powered:
- Group 1
- CJMCU-1100: max 190mA // Formaldehyde Benzene Toluene
- MQ-136: max 150mA // Hydrogen Sulfide
- Group 2
- MQ-135: max 150mA // Air Quality (CO, Ammonia, Benzene, Alcohol, smoke)
- MQ-4: max 150mA // methane
- Group 3
- MQ-7 // CO sensor
- PPD-42NS // Particles PM2.5 sensor
- Group 1