
2.4 + 5G Dual-band WiFi Analyzer

A dual band WiFi Signal Analyzer that help you understand your household WiFi signal status and more

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Wanna see what's going on in both 2.4 G Hz and 5 G Hz band? Use this WiFi analyzer to give you insight to your household WiFi signal

This project is using an Ameba RTL8722DM_MINI with duab-band WiFI and BLE5.0


ino - 11.30 kB - 12/24/2021 at 07:42


  • 1 × Ameba RTL8722DM_MINI microcontroller
  • 1 × Circuit board / breadboard
  • 9 × jumper wire
  • 1 × TFT LCD SPI Display 2.2" (ILI9341)

  • Check out the latest update! #1

    SimonXi01/05/2022 at 14:18 0 comments

    1. Check out the latest update! #1 at

  • What this project is about

    SimonXi12/24/2021 at 07:49 0 comments

    This project is about building a portable dual band WiFi analyzer that help you see through the invisible RF world and understand the WiFi signal in your household.

    With a SPI LCD display, you can bring it to any room and location, and start scanning the environment.

    The image displayed on the screen is dynamic , inlcuding WiFi signal strength, channel, and name , with each WiFi signal colored differently. Thus as you roam around a house or building, you will be able to see WiFi signal changing dynamically, revealing the WiFi signal in your close proximity. 

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