Now with 100% more spiral cable!
01/29/2022 at 14:33 • 0 commentsI initially had a a very inadapted neon blue cable going from my circuit to the Minitel. After finding an old phone in the trash, I salvaged its spiral cable, and now it looks the way it should!
Much better!
I've finally soldered the full circuit, with the LM7805, and... it does run quite hot. Quick back-of-the-enveloppe math show that it should be fine, but... I probably need to salvage a heatsink. Or maybe an aluminum case?
Fixed the wifi selection page! Yay!
01/29/2022 at 14:15 • 0 commentsIt took a bit of effort to finally come to terms with the fact that I'd need to completely rewrite it, but hey, once started it didn't take long at all. I should have done that a long time ago!
Now I wonder how much garbage there is left that I should rewrite...
...and the wifi selection page is broken.
01/14/2022 at 14:23 • 0 commentsWhen I initially wrote that wifi connection page, for a different project, I wanted a quick page to get started. It turned out quick, but also ugly... You know how it is. I added a feature, then another one, etc. and now it's an unmaintainable pile of garbage.
I knew from the start that I'd have to rewrite it. Well, looks like it's finally time
Naive localization
01/14/2022 at 14:13 • 0 commentsI've finally added some localization. I started writing all the strings in French, because it's running on a minitel, and having it display anything else felt like a betrayal.
I finally took the time to add a localization class, that handles English, French and Spanish. The spanish translation could use some checking by a native, but there's no rush now (also, the minitel can't display the "ñ" character, which looks odd).
Basically, all I have is an enum with the strings index, and a 2D array of strings to display :
enum Languages { ENGLISH, FRENCH, SPANISH, LANGUAGES_LAST }; enum L10N_STRINGS { SSH_PAGE_TITLE, SSH_PAGE_HOST, [...] L10N_LAST_STRING }; String languageStore[L10N_LAST_STRING][LANGUAGES_LAST] = { { "3615 SSH client", "3615 SSH client", "3615 SSH client" }, { "Host:", "Hôte :", "Servidor:" }, [...] };
The implementation is contained in a single header file, and is super simple to use. It doesn't have all the bells and whitles of more complete solutions, but it's simple and more than enough for my needs.