

A project log for SMD reflow hotplate

simple smd reflow hotplate based on *MCH Metal Ceramic Heating* elements

stefan-krgerStefan Krüger 01/08/2022 at 11:011 Comment

there was a response to my request in the forum: with the links to

i have created a [new repository for my cp_reflow_controller – with this example on hand i will use a adafruit PyBadge as main controller – and use the EZ-Make-Oven as guide how to design the software… (all the parts i have on hand are a little bit different….)

As temperature sensor i use the Adafruit MAX31855 Thermocouple breakout board

parts have arrived and i have build the hw..

and over the holidays i also have written the firmware...

and just *along the way* written a CircuitPython library for nonblocking user input...

with this setup i can experiment with the PID...


Stefan Krüger wrote 01/08/2022 at 11:27 point

missing hw setup image:

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