This project was inspired by this one and this one, both 3D printed PCB probing setups by Giuseppe Finizia. I wanted to make something that would not require much 3D printing time so I decided on clothespins as a base for the probe. There is one 3D printed part for each pin that keeps the halves of the clothespin aligned. The clothespin presses an extruder cleaning needle onto the board and the needle is soldered to a piece of copper clad board extending from the tip of the clothespin. Two nickel magnets hold the probe onto a metal surface (I used an extra toaster oven tray), allowing for very easy adjustment. All parts are held together with superglue. I have had success flashing an ATTINY on a small PCB with these probes, as well as powering the circuit afterwards.
heyo! considered sharing the .kicad_pcb file with us? I don't have a CNC, but would gladly throw a few of these onto a to-be-ordered panel of mine!~