More decoding
08/26/2023 at 18:51 • 0 commentsIt is long time ago, but today I had a little bit time to go ahead with my investigations.
After some playing with URH I found out, that the sensor bit per sample must be 1200.
So I have two decoded sensors with the following values
First signals decoded!
01/28/2022 at 18:41 • 0 commentsI have tried a bit more with "Universal Radio Hacker". And now I think I found the right configuration to decode the signal. I read that 600 is a typical baudrate for FSK. So I configured the URH interpretation module to this value (Samples/Symbol) and here we are!
Window sensor 1:
Window sensor 2:
The signal from sensor 1 is decoded to 349B.4934.926D.3492.49A.
The signal from sensor 2 is decoded to 26D2.6BB4.9269.B492.49A.
The next step is to modify the SignalDuino firmware for the nanoCUL, to receive the same signal.
Decoding attempts
01/21/2022 at 22:19 • 0 commentsThe first part of the signal seems to be a synchronization pattern. One bit has a length of ~325µs.
If I now know the sample/symbol rate the signal should be decoded.
URH - Universal Radio Hacker
01/21/2022 at 21:54 • 0 commentsSo this tool seems to be the right choice helping me, to decode the signal!
First of all I recorded the signal.
URH can now show the spectrogram:
The analog view shows this:
URH can also show the demodulated signal:
That looks very promising. :-)
AIRSPY and Audacity
01/21/2022 at 21:43 • 0 commentsI did a little research what no I can do with AIRSPY to interpret this unknown signal. I read that the signal can be exported to an audio file. This audio file can be imported by Audacity for example. I played a little bit with both tools but I was not really successful.
But then (by accident) I found URH (Universal Radio Hacker) !!!
SDR-RTL Dongle
01/21/2022 at 21:34 • 0 commentsI got an cheap SDR-RTL USB dongle on ebay for ~ 20 euros.
The dongle contains a Realtek RTL2812 and a Realtek R828D chip, which can receive radio signals between ~30 and 1700MHz.
01/21/2022 at 21:30 • 0 commentsIn the next step I try to receive a signal with an SDR Dongle and the software AIRSPY (SDR#).
OK, this looks good. I got a signal on 868.475MHz. the two peaks left and right beside the mid frequency is typical for a FSK (frequency shift keying) modulation.
First steps with nanoCUL
01/21/2022 at 21:25 • 0 commentsThere are simple and cheap USB dongles that can detect 868 MHz devices. I got myself a "nanoCUL" for this purpose.
This consists of an Arduino Nano and a Texas Instruments CC1101 radio chip which can be connected to a PC via USB.
There are several firmware projects for the dongle. SignalDuino, culfw, a-culfw, ...
I tried them all but unfortunately the protocol is not supported. So I must dig deeper here.