

A project log for Kitt actuator

Small size actuator 67x48 with 5.4:1 reduction ratio and dual encoders.

robin-frjdRobin Fröjd 02/14/2022 at 19:550 Comments

Allright, today I got my Nylon PA11 - MJF printed form factor parts (The rev2 version) and everything fitted like a glove. 
The milling have started (The Rev4 version) for all parts except back - front cover in 7075 and will be ready in about two weeks.  I chose to run 4 sets (4 - Actuators ) and 50% black oxide parts and 50% gold oxide parts, so I can mix and match with the color scheme. :)

I have also placed an order for more bearings from NSK & NTN and additional miscellaneous titanium screws that will be needed in later assembly.

Simple test:
