I just woke up and realised that the next data in or data out signal for the ADC won't be ready by the next master clock cycle.
I want to make a solution that can take at least 8 daisy chained Tetrinsics. That means I've got 64 bits each way to shift in and out. That's a multiple of 2, so maybe I could install some kind of chip that toggles every 32 clock cycles. Alternatively, I can see if I can swap out a pin for another clock signal. A 3rd idea could be to use oLatch (latch for output pins) as a serial clock.
I'm also thinking that 1k samples in an actuation window may be more than required considering that high-performance gaming mice poll at 1000Hz (80 samples in an actuation window). I don't know how fast I need position data, but I'll assume 1kHz would have me covered there too. At the end of the day, being too fast would be a nice problem to have.
I also need to look to see what pins need pull-up resistors.
[16:30] The story becomes even more complex now. Apparently, it's somewhat complex to share the 74hc595 and 165 clock pins. I'm going to look into I/O expanders that use I2C. Even with 32.768MHz clock on my initial shift register strategy, the effective signal clock from Tetrinsic's point of view is 512kHz. Thus, I wouldn't need a >1MHz I/O expander for an alternative. Most of the cheap ones are 400kHz by quickly skimming Digikey.
[17:30] It seems that ony 2 of these can be used on a line.
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