
[M] Concept2 Revision

A project log for Tetent [gd0090]

A water resistant, 300WPM input peripheral for end-to-end workflows.

kelvinakelvinA 09/10/2022 at 11:110 Comments

The dimensions are now 102*42*47mm. It seems that I was onto something with the #Tetent Timespy [gd0136] and have made the changes. In this layout, I only need something under half the available thumb key length. The nice thing about these new #TeTwin Switches [gd0041] is that the actuation zones are software adjustable. I like that Tetent is small because it is, and not because of ergonomics.

The speakers, USBC ports and 1.3" OLED have also been added to the top of Tetent. The nice thing is that this side is always facing the user, so I only need 2 speakers and 1 screen instead of 3 and 2 respectively for Concept1.

