
[T] Tetent TestCut and Project Worries

A project log for Tetent [gd0090]

A water resistant, 300WPM input peripheral for end-to-end workflows.

kelvinakelvinA 10/06/2022 at 17:310 Comments

Right now, I'm deep into processing the electronics solution of #Tetrinsic [gd0041], but I've also started to worry about the bigger picture, which is Tetent. My concerns are about the wired connection and audio.

I'm thinking that perhaps going from 0 to Tetent might be too much of a step that I don't have the confidence level for. Thus, I'm thinking of this roadmap:

  1. Tetent TestCut
  2. Tetent (wireless, no audio)
  3. Tetent (wireless, USBC audio)
  4. Tetent (wired+wireless, USBC (headphones) audio)
  5. Tetent (wired+wireless, USBC audio and speakers)

This is due to the precieved difficulty level:

  1. Connect 8 Tetrinsics together and have the master Tetrinsic connect to host through USB. 
    1. Yeah it wasn't planned, but having a tiny microcontroller with built in USB functionality is a feature I didn't even know I wanted until it was a valid option. This allows the Tetrinsics to be fully self sufficient
  2. Connect 5 Tetrinsics to a BLE device, battery charging circuit, LEDs(?). Then get that system to connect to another set, merge the combined input values and send that to the PC.
  3. 3 to 5 are technically just nice-to-haves

#Tetent TestCut [gd0139]  

So this device is basically a non-split, fixed-tent, minimum viable product (MVP)Tetent. Just like I don't need the #Teti [gd0022] case printed to use my PC (yeah it's been over a year and it's still just living on the motherboard box), I don't need a wireless split to benefit from the Tetent layout. Like I've said before, Tetent is supposed to speed up all projects, so it's better to get an MVP and use it to finish itself than use yesterdays tools all the way to the end.

The "test" part of the name is probably self explanitory, but the reason "cut" is in there is because I want it to look a bit like it was cut out of a block of marble/granite with its straight, geometric edges. It will be inspired by the below keyboard I really liked the look of whilst I was doing the "Why hasn't [Tetent] been invented yet?" research rounds.

Wireless Split Keyboard AM HATSU Available Now | HYPEBEAST

You could also think of it in terms of "testbed" + "shortcut" merged together.

I haven't specified if there would or would not be audio. Without the split, it sounds straightforward enough to do. It will be wired though. I also might need a capacitor store since there'd be 8 motors on 1 USB port. Hopefully, dedents and virtual stops don't require amps of power.

Even before these concerns/worries, I've been thinking of making TestCut because the tenting part of Tetent is still an unsolved issue. I think the most ergonomic solution are thigh straps so that the arms are in this desk-free state:

Though, I'm noticing that my elbows are way lower than all the examples I can see on Google Images:
So that might be the reason why I find the yellow rectangle the most comfortable position for the printed prototypes:

The cons of the roadmap

The only real one I can think of is money related, but I really shouldn't be sacrificing months of potential progress on multiple projects just because I wanted to save £10 on my AliExpress order 😂 (If the current GBP:USD convertion rate trend is anything to go by, I might actually save money). 

Other than that, the idea that "I've already got something that works, so why should I finish the project?" is a mentality I have to avoid.
