
[T] Starting the new layout

A project log for Tetent [gd0090]

A water resistant, 300WPM input peripheral for end-to-end workflows.

kelvinakelvinA 09/01/2022 at 18:010 Comments
So the great thing about switching from 5 seperate, double action keys per row to 1 key with triple action and 4 zones is that the "letter menus" now line up and yet I still get more keybind space. What I'm trying to say is that all of "AA" to "AZ" are in the same 1/4th of centre key, just at a different finger force. Additionally, this means that I can add punctuation to Row2 +1 and +2 without serious mental overhead; again, it's just changing how hard I press the centre key. Therefore, I've added 5 more letter+symbol keys to the layout.

I tried a bunch of Choc low profile switches and I liked the blacks (60g linear) the most (out of the linears), so I'm thinking of the first actuation layer being 45g, the second actuation layer being 60g and the 3rd actuation layer being 75g. Obviously, because of how I'm going to design #TeTwin Switches [gd0041], these weights are free to change. 

I've looked at the most common characters pressed in english writing and programming to help influence the layout, and I've also tried to group memorable 3's together such as abc, ijk and xyz.
