
[P] Concept-half print

A project log for Tetent [gd0090]

A water resistant, 300WPM input peripheral for end-to-end workflows.

kelvinakelvinA 07/13/2023 at 18:540 Comments

So I remembered something, which was that I tried to print out a concept months ago but my small FDM printer was mysteriously broken. 

While I can't test the slope angle, I was already expecting that the spacing would be too large from the 1:1 scaled image a few logs ago, and that's why I was looking into the dual-screen solution in the previous log. 

Now I've undusted my Linear Plus and, after some first layer surgery, I was able to get this half of the printable concept model printed.

As expected, I'm going to have to drop the beautiful-and-bright 1.47" LCDs. Even in this model, the spacing between them was a minute 0.3mm, when ideally I'd have 1mm of spacing to account for manufacturing tolerances. This is why the 18mm Tetrinsic design is more ideal, because then I can get the keyboard industry standard of 19.00 / 19.05mm.

Secondly, the angle is about half of what it needs to be. This actually should be expected, since the Tetrinsic design I had before going to 3.2mm had a natural angle twice of the current one. The 2.4mm Tetrinsic had a 18 degree angle and this new one is 9.36 degrees.
