
[M] Current Modelling Progress

A project log for SecSavr Sublime [gd0036]

An FFF 3D printer that I described as "The FULL Coverage, Extended X, Pro Max, Ultramatrix Solution"

kelvinakelvinA 03/06/2022 at 20:550 Comments

This is the current location I am with modelling (the [M] tag):


Each bed segment is 166x400 such that 2 of them make a 333 x 400 bed (used in the belt and rotary beds), the default of 3 makes a 500 x 400 bed, the same size as glass worktop savers, and 4 can be used for 667 x 400 of heated area. 900 x 400 glass was the cheapest stuff I could find. Technically, 5 for a 834 x 400 bed can be done so I'm going for 900mm instead of 700mm or 800mm glass to keep my options open.

In this file, I'm also trying out some new ways of keeping the Fusion 360 timeline ordered, such as [X>Y] for "multi-timeline" changes, and creating and subsequently removing an "End Of Group" component so that I don't have to keep recreating a group every time I want to add something onto the end.

I also want to get into the habit of naming features.

SecSavr Slime

This is the end effector of the SecSavr, with the SecSavr Slight attatched. It uses a 20kg degaussing magnet to attract a 15x15 magnet when unpowered. The pull should be somewhere between 10kg (the 15x15 magnet pull strength) and 20kg (the degaussing magnet pull strength). Then there's a 6028 blower with the 330fps camera (and field of view in green) which is going to be on a motorized pivot so that different melt zone lengths can still be seen and cooled. Lastly, there's the 4010 blower for coldend cooling and the 8 PTFE couplers, for which I need to swap out the design for some cheaper ones I found. The V axis pivot is at the centre of the semicircle.

The Orange Pi was also in here before I decided on including a True IDEX feature, so that the amount of cables connecting the Slime to the main electronics enclosure was reduced. The Slime is designed not to have any outter air vents as I want to try pumping cool air to components that need it if they are to be subject to a heated chamber of 60C.
