- Raspberry PI Zero 2W running RetroPI
- 5" TFT 800x480 pixel display with at least 800cd/m² brightness (sunlight readable)
- PS3 Controller style controls
- 2 analog sticks
- 4 Digital direction buttons
- 4 shoulder buttons
- 4 function buttons (triangle, cross, sqare, circle)
- Select, Start
- ESC button
- Trackball emulation unsing an IMU for games like Marble Madness
- 2 USB Connectors for 2 players matches using external controllers
- Crystal clear Stereo Sound either from internal speakers or headphone
- Powered by a single 3.6V LiIon battery
- Deep discharge and overcharge protection
- Battery state visualized with 2 LEDs
- Hardware should use components that have good availability
- No custom made, special parts for the user interface
This is the point where the name "Switch reloaded" comes into play.
Especially for the controls it is difficult to find standard components. To solve the contraint good availability vs stadard components. Aftermarket parts are used that are available for all of the Nintendo portable game consoles.
Analog sticks and the speakers from Nintendo Switch
Digital direction buttons (silicone membrane) from Nintendo DS
A, B, X, Y (silicone membrane) from Nintendo DS