
Nixie tubed Angle Gauge

An angle gauge with nixie tubes.

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This is a angle gauge based on a Arduino nano and MMA_7455 g-force sensor.
The Nixie tubes are from ITT called 5853 S made 1972 (Week 42, 50 & 52) in England. The tubes should be driven at 11 mA, but i only do 1,4 mA - They still glow. The driver chips are binary to decimal converters probably for this usage developed from Siemens (74141) produced in 1973 (Week 5 & 27).

The firmware is using a moving average for a smoother display. A clever and simple way to convert the calculated angle to binary did not work out as planed.

Next to the angle this thing should be able to integrate the speed with the measured acceleration over time witch will be testet soon. A proper housing is also planed.

New housing:

Ti 74141 Datasheet:


plain - 8.67 kB - 03/12/2022 at 10:54


  • 1 × Arduino Nano V3
  • 3 × ITT 5853 S - Nixie Tubes
  • 3 × 74141 Bin2Dec-Tube Driver
  • 1 × 5 V to 170 V - HV Boost converter
  • 1 × MMA 7455 Accelerometer Board

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Ken Yap wrote 03/08/2022 at 23:34 point

👍 Cool combination of retro display technolgy with modern computing power.

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j wrote 03/09/2022 at 09:50 point

Thank you! I am still perplexed every time how fine everything still work together. A sppedOmeter will be my next goal. Maybe a switch to change modes.

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