A raspberry pi camera in the workshop so my family can check on me while I'm working in the shop. Nobody wants to just hang out while I use tools with associated risk, and nobody wants to just stream my work either.
It seems like computer vision + AI might be at a place where it could watch my shop with me puttering around in it, and send an alert if I am using a tool and fall down or scream and grab my hand or something that doesn't match normal patterns. Perhaps even snip a clip asking if I'm ok (yes = train to less alerts, no=offer to call for help), and send it to a family/buddy if I don't respond. Also, may be a place for monitoring for non-standard people in the shop and watching them more closely to make sure kids aren't engaging in risky behavior while dad's out of town or something.
Enough of us do risky work alone on a regular basis, there might even be a place for a co-op or collaborative of people who are willing to keep an eye out for ea