
Microcode Design in Progress for A1 with a Newly Modified Bus Architecture

A project log for AOZORA

home-brew 16-bit computer on breadboard

zxs-unzxs-un 03/16/2022 at 09:580 Comments

The targeted decoding ROM is going to have 8-bit output. Under such restriction, the number of microcodes has to be not grater than 2^8 = 256 = 16 x 16.

Operation / Data Flow
Coding Space
B < B1 < Bus-C < Reg
B > B0 > Bus-B > Reg
2 x 16Totally 16 registers in reg-file
A1 < Bus-C < Reg
A0 < Bus-C < Reg
2 x 16
B < ALU < Bus-A < A1A0
2 x 16
74LS181 has 5 lines selecting
2 modes by 16 functions
PC1 < Bus-C < Reg1

PC0 < Bus-C < Reg0

1 x 16
PC1 may only be loaded with
odd numbered registers. 1 x 8
PC0 may only be loaded with
even numbered registers. 1 x 8
PC1 > Bus-A > ALU > B >> Reg1

PC0 > Bus-A > ALU > B >> Reg0

1 x 16

MEM < Bus-C < Reg
MEM > Bus-B > Reg
2 x 16

C1C0 < Bus-C < Reg
1 x 16
D1D0 > Bus-B > Reg1 x 16

4Shift Left (B) one bit and fill 1
Shift Left (B) one bit and fill 0
Shift Right (B) one bit and fill 1
Shift Right (B) one bit and fill 0
0(ALU) > B1 > Bus-C > MEM
1(ALU) > B1 > Bus-C > MEM
0(ALU) > B1 > Bus-C > C1C0
1(ALU) > B1 > Bus-C > C1C0
4All bits with 0
All bits with 1
Generated by ALU 74LS181
C1 > D1
C0 > D0
C1 > D0
C0 > D1
IO < C1
IO < C0
IO > D1
IO > D0
IMM > D0
IMM > D1

0(ALU) > B > Bus-B > CycleCounter
Reset CycleCounter to 0
StatusFlag < Bus-B < B0 < B
IR < Bus-B < MEM
1Fetch instruction from memory
A++132-bit {A1, A0} increase by 1
PC++132-bit {PC1, PC0} increase by 1
number of microcodes in total216
= 6 x 2 x 16 + 4 x 4 + 2 + 6

An extra "SILENT" operation, to silent all buses and control lines, with the ClockCounter still working increasing, might also need be coded.

The bus architure has been modified again to make coding in 16x16 feasible. Also smaller number of ICs is preferred.

A1 bus architecture v3
Fig. Bus Architecture v3 for A1


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