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Version 1.2 Released
03/21/2022 at 16:02 • 0 commentsQuick update.
After the initial version was made, I found a few minor issues. All issues are resolved in V1.2
- Added battery charging functionality, so you can use this module with 3.7V LiPo battery powered. It handled by MCP73831 chip. JST 1.25mm 2P is used for battery connector.
- Change PCB color and tidy up top silkscreen 2x13P connector
Results so far :- PCB assembly succesfully, and quite easyly done by hand-soldering
- Upload code done using Arduino IDE
- Two Way Ranging tested perfectly in indoor, but for some reason the zero distance reported as 30cm. Maybe need to calibrate the antenna.
Please take a look the project github link for the schematic, gerber file, and sample code for the current mile-stone.