Order Has Arrived
11/02/2022 at 00:00 • 0 comments- Yesterday all of the parts came in, electrical components from Digi-key and the PCB from JLCPCB
- Soldering tools such as flux paste and tweezers came in from amazon
- Currently watching videos on different ways to Solder
Component and PCB Order
10/26/2022 at 05:25 • 0 comments- Verified BOM, replaced components that are currently out of stock
- Order remaining components on Digi-Key
- Bought tools needed for SMT soldering on Amazon
- Ordered PCB on JLCPCB
Corrections and BOM
10/19/2022 at 07:27 • 0 comments- To save time, only made 'absolutely necessary corrections'
- Oriented R82 and D71 correctly in schematic
- Added 0.1uF decoupling capacitors for op amps
- Moved decoupling capacitors closer to IC it is supporting
- Moved ports closer to the edge
- Added reverse voltage protection at the power port
- Added stitching vias
- Started making BOM
- Sourcing everything from Digi-key
- Started sourcing components on Digi-key, down 15 out of 91
- Made a mistake in the footprint from some of the capacitors, some are non-stocked on Digi-Key and or Mouser, all of the issues were resolved
- To save time, only made 'absolutely necessary corrections'
Design Review
09/27/2022 at 04:56 • 0 commentsPosted schematic and PCB on Reddit for a design review - https://www.reddit.com/r/PrintedCircuitBoard/comments/xo5yta/design_review_audio_visualizer/
- Add stitching vias to the ground pour
- Use the thickest traces I can get away with
- Don't daisy chain the power connections, use star formation
- Be mindful of physical construction of the plugs
- Move capacitors closer to the IC it is supporting
- At 0.1uF Low ESR caps to power pins of op-amps
- R82 & D71 should point downward, not to the right. (in the schematic)
- J2 (DC power jack) should have reverse voltage protection
- Add high impedance input buffer to filter section to avoid unnecessary loading, such as a JFET op amp, could also just use extra op amp in each filter section as the buffer
- If I don't use the extra op amps, consider tying them together
Finished PCB!!
09/22/2022 at 22:18 • 0 comments- Finished Tracing +/-5V power
- Traced Brightness and volume range control
- Found "Phoenix Contact 1725656" Terminal Block to connect Male audio jack to
- Traced audio input and mode header
- All nets, subcircuits etc. have been routed, now will commence with design review, then doublecheck BOM, then order PCB!!!
Ground Pour
09/21/2022 at 01:54 • 0 comments- Applied copper ground fill to top and bottom layer
- Ground pads of IC's where filters were traced were not connected from the copper pour:
- created new topology to remove problem
- Successfully retraced Sub-bass and bass filters
PCB Update
09/08/2022 at 23:49 • 0 comments- Got 3D models for all components
- Formatted and aligned all the sub-circuits in the PCB editor
- Found a PCB design fundamentals resource http://alternatezone.com/electronics/files/PCBDesignTutorialRevA.pdf and posted (at the time) current PCB with LED driver and 2 filters traced on Reddit for a design review
- PCB making is subtractive process, better to keep traces as thick as possible and keep a ground fill unless there is a reason to not have one
- Will have a ground pour on both the top and bottom layers
- Set grid to mils
- Power traces will be 50 mils, everything else will be 10 mils
- Don't be afraid to use vias
- rotate components to make tracing easier
- PCB making is subtractive process, better to keep traces as thick as possible and keep a ground fill unless there is a reason to not have one
- Added 7th LM324 Quad-op amp IC to filter arrays, now each spectrum filter will have their own op amp IC
- Will allow traces of different stages of the same spectrum filter to go to the same IC
- Will be easier to route and read in the PCB - more aesthetically pleasing
- Minimizes trace length
- Added 10uF polarized filter capacitor for the LEDs
- Traced 9V power, sub-bass and bass filter
- ***Will use JLCPCB to manufacture the PCB, even though the minimum order is 5 and along with at least 2 have to be assembled if that is what I choose to do, it is still the cheapest option by far
KiCad vs CircuitMaker
07/21/2022 at 17:00 • 0 comments- I originally decided to use KiCad over CircuitMaker for its ability to simulate circuits. However:
- Circuits with IC's take a long time to simulate, even if it is quite simple
- When their is feedback and/or if the IC contains multiple circuit elements (e.g. LM324 IC has 4 op amps) the correctness and ability to even simulate at all is in question
- Already made the all of the active filters in KiCad, remaking them in CircuitMaker would take a really long time since the topology of each filter is slightly different and their values are very different
- The only other large sub-circuit is the LED driver, the driver circuit for each frequency spectrum is exactly the same so I can make them once and copy and paste for the rest
- I originally decided to use KiCad over CircuitMaker for its ability to simulate circuits. However:
New Op Amp and Negative Voltage ICs
07/19/2022 at 04:38 • 0 comments- Will be using LM324DR2G IC for filter op amps, 1.2mA supply current
- 6 ICs x 1.2mA/IC = 7.2 mA
- Worst case scenario, audio signal voltage is >=3.5V, max current output by all filters is 6mA
- 7.2mA + 6mA = 13.2mA
- Max Current output of Rhi controller will output is 1.4 mA + 17uA supply current from the Op-amp
- Max Current Sourced From Dual Rail Power Supply: 13.2mA + 1.417mA = 14.617 mA
- Will establish -5V with LT1054IPE4 - it is a converter and regulator in one, just needs and external resistor network
- ***One of the smoothing capacitors is supposed to be 2uF, but the cheapest one is $1.32, therefore I will be using 2 1uF caps to replace it
- ****In order to simulate in LTSpice consistently make sure the box for "Skip initial operating point solution" is checked
- Will be using LM324DR2G IC for filter op amps, 1.2mA supply current
Spectrum Filter Offset and Current
06/30/2022 at 02:26 • 0 comments- It was found than when a pull-down resistor is connect to pin 5 (signal input pin) of the LM3915 IC, the port would output ~0.14uA = 140nA, therefore limiting the value of the resistor to 1kohm so that a voltage of no higher than 0.14mV DC would develop
- Therefore, for the high-pass RC filter to be appended to spectrum filters, R = 1 kohm
- Sub-Bass and Bass: C = 100uF
- Low-Mid and Mid: C = 10uF
- Upper-Mid, Presence and Brilliance: C = 1uF
- The capacitors I have at home that have a capacitance of greater than or equal to 10uF are polarized, but ceramic capacitors exists for up to 100uF, maybe even higher, but they get more expensive
- 1u: $0.11 to $0.138
- 10u: $0.138 to $0.152
- 100u: $0.607 to $0.713
- Calculated max current each filter and internal stage will output when amplitude of input voltage signal is 5V (output at final stage will be saturated to 3.5V):
- 9mA + 5.345mA= 14.345 mA. Negative Voltage multiplier can output a current of 17mA and still stay below 8V, so we are in the clear