
Display Carrier Board

A project log for MCM/70 Reproduction

I am making a full sized MCM/70 reproduction, a Canadian personal computer from 1974.

michael-gardiMichael Gardi 04/05/2022 at 18:330 Comments

I have received all four HCMS-2972s, so it was time to start thinking about how to organize them into a 32 x 1 character display. My original thought was to design a PCB to hold all four parts. Then I realized that JCLPCB is going to ship a minimum of five boards anyway, so I came up with a carrier board for a single HCMS-2972 that can be easily daisy chained together with others.

Pretty simple. I'll use a couple of IC sockets a 14 pin and a 12 pin to hold the HCMS-2972s in place (these parts are like $60 a piece so I'm not taking any chances with them).

Board files have been sent for manufacturing.
