Battery Breakout Board Rev.1
09/11/2022 at 15:58 • 4 commentsJust a little teaser ...
(Don't judge me to hard, it's my first PCB...)But before rev1 is fully assembled, rev1.1 is already in the planning stage.
Little Frankenstein
05/04/2022 at 16:53 • 6 commentsJust a quick update
I soldered all the components of my first test onto a perfboard. The display shows the voltage [V] and the current [mA]. Instead of the percentage, the glasses show the voltage (10x). Big and ugly, but it does the job. After some more tests and improvements I will design a PCB.
Nailed it!
04/29/2022 at 00:49 • 2 commentsWith this modification, any 6s Lipo battery can be used without any modifications/hacks of the drone. Full compatibility with the original batteries is retained. I set the battery percentage to a random number that changes every second just for demonstration purposes.
Details coming soon...