
board tester, we have boards

A project log for PDP-11/70 replica

Recreating boards for those old computers, and improve on them

sxpertsxpert 05/28/2023 at 10:341 Comment

It's been a while, lots have been happening at $dayjob, and time has been an issue lately (that, and funds for components)

I had ordered boards from PCBWay back in february, received them some time later, then time-crunch hit, and I had no time whatsoever to do anything on the project.

those boards are beautiful, look at them !

and here is the stencil...

Again, thank you very much to PCBWay for sponsoring this project with their PCBs

Now, I need to scrounge some money to give to DigiKey 🤣


Geoffrey Frost wrote 05/29/2024 at 14:21 point

does this project need a boost? Do you have schematics for the other boards?

Do you have the outine/connector design for the boards?

Do you need someone to start producing artwork for the other boards 

Have you any ideas for the backplane?

I normally artwork in smd but it depends on the component availability.  Certainly all passives and any bog standard parts.

Help here if you need it.

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