RPN calculator
04/11/2022 at 03:53 • 0 commentsThe RPN calculator is an incarnation of the serial cross-bar switch CPU. Its structure is essentially the same like the simplified model:
but will following changes:
- switch matrix is 16*16, which then requires 2 MT8816 ICs on the breadboard
- there are 8 general purpose registers (0 - 7) that can be viewed as a stack (TopOfStack = R0, NextOnStack = R1 etc.), or random access
- there are 2 special registers that can be loaded with parallel values (0xC and 0xD), they are used for constants
- all registers can be 16 or 32 bit wide - calculations can be also 16 or 32 (e.g. it is possible to multiply 2 32-bit integers for 64-bit result)
- 2-input AND is also added to the ALU
- DELAY and CARRY flags are present, but new ones added: ADJUST (for decimal adjust operations) and ZERO - this is actually 16 flags, one per row, meaning each register has own zero flag (only TOS and NOS are used)
- 2 rows (0xE, 0xF) and 2 columns (0xA, 0xB) are not used, so either more operations and/or registers could be added
The system includes a component that displays the values of RPN calculator registers and flags for debugging and visualization:
16-bit mode, running at 64Hz frequency, trace input and trace output enabled (matrix is for "rotate registers" instruction):
32-bit mode, running at 1.6MHz, with no tracing input or output (matrix shows digit entry instruction)
As far as operations supported they can be seen in the implementation VHDL of the system:
----------------------------------------------------------------- -- Calculator commands, each is a single ASCII char ----------------------------------------------------------------- type table_32x8 is array(0 to 31) of std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); constant kypd2ascii: table_32x8 := ( -- no "shift", entering hex digits into TOS c('0'), c('1'), c('2'), c('3'), c('4'), c('5'), c('6'), c('7'), c('8'), c('9'), c('A'), c('B'), c('C'), c('D'), c('E'), c('F'), -- with "shift", entering a command (TOS = R0, top of stack, NOS = R1, next on stack) c('Z'), -- 0 == TOS <= 0, reset flags, clear error c('U'), -- 1 == dUp(licate) NOS <= TOS, push all regs down, R7 lost) c('$'), -- 2 == BCD to binary (unsigned) (TOS changes, R7 destroyed) c('#'), -- 3 == binary to BCD (unsigned) (TOS changes, R7 destroyed) c('R'), -- 4 == rotate registers (R7 <= TOS, ... TOS <= NOS etc.) c('<'), -- 5 == shift (logical) TOS up c('>'), -- 6 == shift (logical) TOS down c('N'), -- 7 == nuke all (all registers <= 0), reset flags, clear error c('Q'), -- 8 == integer square root (TOS assumed positive / unsigned) X"00", -- 9 == not used c('+'), -- A == add (signed) (TOS <= TOS + NOS, pop regs, R7 <= 0) c('-'), -- B == subtract (signed) (TOS <= TOS - NOS, pop regs, R7 <= 0) c('*'), -- C == multiply (unsigned) (TOS/NOS <= TOS * NOS, R7 lost) c('/'), -- D == divide (unsigned TOS is div, NOS is mod after TOS/NOS, R7 lost) X"0D", -- E == enter (TOS = 0, push other regs down, R7 lost) c('S') -- F == swap (TOS <=> NOS) );
These commands can be entered either through HEXPAD on the Anvyl board, or through serial UART (connected to terminal emulator app on the host PC, such as TeraTerm for example):
key <= rx_ready or kypd_keypressed; input_clear <= '1' when (hc_status = status_done) else reset; on_key: process(key, kypd_hex, kypd_shift, rx_char, input_clear) begin if (input_clear = '1') then input <= X"00"; else if (rising_edge(key)) then if (kypd_keypressed = '1') then input <= kypd2ascii(to_integer(unsigned(kypd_shift & kypd_hex))); else input <= rx_char; end if; end if; end if; end process;
Given that a subset of ASCII 8-bit chars represent 8-bit instructions for the RPN calculator (CPU), entering a stream of letters results in expected calculations. For example:
- Entering 99999999 into TOS
- Converting from BCD to binary
- Enter to clear TOS
- Enter 3
- Divide
- Convert from binary to BCD for correct result
Hardware description
04/10/2022 at 02:46 • 0 commentsThe hardware for this project is a combination of FPGA and discrete ICs wired on the breadboard:
- Digilent Anvyl board is used - I like it because it has ample connections (7 8-bit PMODs plus 10-bit dedicated pins for breadboard). However, it is no longer available on Digilent store, but can be replaced with any board that has sufficient digital I/O pins.
- 2 MT8816 chips, Digilent 3.3V to 5V "PowerBrick", bunch of wires and few 4.7k SIP resistor packs (pull-ups to 5V)
The 2 MT8816 chips implement the cross-bar switch matrix (2 * 8 * 16 = 16 rows * 16 columns), while the rest of the system is implemented inside the FPGA:
Few things to note:
MT8816 are "analog switches" - meaning that voltage on inputs is reflected on outputs. This works well with FPGA board because it operates with 3.3V digital I/O pins, so that same voltage level can be picked up as input. Therefore no special voltage level adaptation is needed on X and Y cross-bar connections (also they are interchangeable, in this design X is output, Y is input (looking from the FPGA)
To implement "wire OR" on inputs, FPGA I/O pins are programmed with pull-down, for example PMOD "JD" that receives Y7:0:
## JD NET "JD1" LOC = AB13 | PULLDOWN | IOSTANDARD=LVCMOS33; #Bank = 2, pin name = IO_L41N_VREF_2, Sch name = JD1 NET "JD2" LOC = Y12 | PULLDOWN | IOSTANDARD=LVCMOS33; #Bank = 2, pin name = IO_L42N_2, Sch name = JD2 NET "JD3" LOC = T11 | PULLDOWN | IOSTANDARD=LVCMOS33; #Bank = 2, pin name = IO_L43N_2, Sch name = JD3 NET "JD4" LOC = W10 | PULLDOWN | IOSTANDARD=LVCMOS33; #Bank = 2, pin name = IO_L44N_2, Sch name = JD4 NET "JD7" LOC = W12 | PULLDOWN | IOSTANDARD=LVCMOS33; #Bank = 2, pin name = IO_L42P_2, Sch name = JD7 NET "JD8" LOC = R11 | PULLDOWN | IOSTANDARD=LVCMOS33; #Bank = 2, pin name = IO_L43P_2, Sch name = JD8 NET "JD9" LOC = V11 | PULLDOWN | IOSTANDARD=LVCMOS33; #Bank = 2, pin name = IO_L44P_2, Sch name = JD9 NET "JD10" LOC= T10 | PULLDOWN | IOSTANDARD=LVCMOS33; #Bank = 2, pin name = IO_L45P_2,
The M8816 must be powered with usual 5V / GND - that's where the PowerBRICK comes into play as simple and convenient way to boost 3.3V to 5V
The control signals to MT8816 must be TTL compatible. There are of course ICs that can do safe and efficient signal level conversion, but for the breadboard has no place for those. Instead, a trick was used:
- All control signals (RESET, AX, AY, DATA, STROBE) are pulled up to 5V via resistors
- If "1" level is desired on these outputs, the FPGA pin is put to "Z" tri-state, floating it up to valid "1" level above V1L
- If "0" level is desired on these outputs, a "0" is output by the FPGA to pull down the resistors below the V0H
-- control bus ('Z' with external 4k7 resistor and pull-up mode give 0.26V low and 5.0V hi) MT_AX0 <= 'Z' when (mt_ctrl(0) = '1') else '0'; MT_AX1 <= 'Z' when (mt_ctrl(1) = '1') else '0'; MT_AX2 <= 'Z' when (mt_ctrl(2) = '1') else '0'; MT_AX3 <= 'Z' when (mt_ctrl(3) = '1') else '0'; MT_AY0 <= 'Z' when (mt_ctrl(4) = '1') else '0'; MT_AY1 <= 'Z' when (mt_ctrl(5) = '1') else '0'; MT_AY2 <= 'Z' when (mt_ctrl(6) = '1') else '0'; MT_DATA <= 'Z' when (mt_ctrl(8) = '1') else '0'; MT_STROBE0 <= 'Z' when ((phi1 and (mt_ctrl(8) or mt_ctrl(9)) and (not mt_ctrl(7))) = '1') else '0'; MT_STROBE1 <= 'Z' when ((phi1 and (mt_ctrl(8) or mt_ctrl(9)) and mt_ctrl(7)) = '1') else '0'; MT_RESET <= 'Z' when ((mt_ctrl(8) and mt_ctrl(9)) = '1') else '0';
This works well except the speed - a RC circuit is introduced which needs time to charge/discharge, and a result the whole system does not work reliable above 1.5MHz clock speed. But that is of no importance for this proof of concept.
From the FPGA perspective, this outside cross-bar switch appears as a 16*16 matrix of 1-bit write-only memory (state of switch can be set, but not read back). Following operations are supported:
- no change (both STROBE signals held low during microcode cycle)
- turn on a switch (DATA is high, STROBE selecting appropriate MT8816 high, switch selected through AX and AY)
- turn off switch (as above, except DATA is low)
- turn off all switches ("nuke" in microcode, both RESET signals are tied together and pulsed high)
The above requires 6 signals in 3 fields defined in the microcode:
// System interface signals MT_CTRL .valfield 2 values nop, on, off, clear default nop; MT_ROW .valfield 4 values * default 0; MT_COL .valfield 4 values * default 0;
In order to observe the right MT8816 control signal timing (set up and hold times), a 4-phase clock is introduced and some signals are enabled only during the right phase:
-- 4 phase clock to activate strobe at right time phi0 <= '1' when (mt_cnt = "00") else '0'; phi1 <= '1' when (mt_cnt = "01") else '0'; phi2 <= '1' when (mt_cnt = "10") else '0'; phi3 <= '1' when (mt_cnt = "11") else '0';