
miniPINGbot 1K Byte Demo

RoboToons Robot Theater character showing off the power of the RoboGuts™ circuit board

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Using less than 1KB of PICAXE 28X2 module memory I have a PING sensor to trigger a little speech and the bot tells a joke. The power of the RoboGuts™ circuit board! These little robots are the character players for the RoboToons Robot Theater productions.

A small 3" x 3" x 3" robot toy that can sense with an UltraSonic (PING) sensor, then tell a joke and do a little dance. Designed to be so easy a very young child can build these themselves!

Starting with a RoboGuts™ circuit board I chose to use my favorite MCU module, the PICAXE 28X2 module, although I could use almost any other chip or module if I wanted (BS2, ATMEGA 328P, PIC chips, ARM BASIC chip etc...) I then add three jumpers for the Red, Green and Blue RGB 3-color LED. Then I add a 220Ω resistor to +V (+5V) for the LED power. Then I add a jumper from PIN 11 of the PICAXE 28X2 module to PIN 10 (C.6) of the on board SpeakJet chip for speech and singing (any language). The after 3D printing the six plastic parts for the miniFloppybot I add two 1mm dia x 8mm long screws to each servomotor servohorn to attach them to the 3D printed wheels so they can be assembled onto the miniFloppyBot ... the servomotors simply plug onto the 3-pin hobby pin connectors at PICAXE PINs 17 and 18 (B.0 and B.1)

Powering the board can be done a dozen different ways, usually when I'm tweaking the software I use a 6V ac/dc adapter for power, but the PICAXE 28X2 module can run on anything from 4.5V to 12V dc

The idea is to make learning how to make robot toys and animatronics systems as easy as possible ... so easy even a 5-year old can do it with only a few minutes of introduction ... yet with the power of the super intelligent bread board (the RoboGuts™ circuit board) it can be used for many advanced systems. The user is only limited by their own dreams.

Use an chip or module that will fit into a 7mm wide or 15mm wide DIP socket up to 28-Pins. The on board 1W audio amplifier is sufficient for most projects or you can simply tap that output as an AUX output or direct from the SpeakJet chip to a much larger audio amplifier for some real loud stuff. .5W to 1W speakers work best, but in this little bot he's running a 2W speaker ... hence he doesn't get as loud as the other RoboToons Robot Theater characters.

View all 2 project logs

  • 1
    The hardest part of assembly is the Wheels!


    Yes, the miniFloppyBot body, lid and face all simply snap together ... see the animated .GIF on this page:

    It's getting the mini-servo motor horns connected to the wheels where adults need to help their younger children ... this is because the servo horns can only be glued or screwed (I do both) onto the wheels and the holes on the servo horn are only 1mm diameter requiring very tiny screws.  

    I use a small hand drill while holding the servo horn centered on the wheel to create a pilot hole for twp screws ... opposite each other on the servo horn.  

    After I have the servo horn mounted on the wheel, I use a small dot of Gorilla Glue on each end of the servo horn to help make a stronger bond than just the two small screws.  

  • 2
    Mounting the speaker to the lid ...


    I get the 28mm to 32mm ... 0.5W to 2W speaker to stay in place by adding a few dots of Gorilla glue around the edges of the speaker to the lid.  

    One trick to this is making sure the wires that drop down from the speakers is on the same side as the speaker connectors on the RoboGuts™ circuit board.  Besides giving you that little bit extra length for installing/removing the lid, it also helps to keep the wires separated inside the bot for easier problem solving.  

    This means that if you lay the RoboGuts™ circuit board with the programming port to the rear for easy re-programming the speaker wires should drop down the left side of the bot.  

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Walt Perko wrote 01/03/2017 at 00:58 point

Built-IN firmware is not part of the contest as I understand the rules.   There is no firmware on the RoboGuts™ itself, just in the PICAXE 28X2.  The entire program resides in the PICAXE 28X2.

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deʃhipu wrote 01/02/2017 at 22:22 point

I wonder, doesn't the RoboGuts™ firmware already exceed the 1kB limit? Or is that not using a microcontroller?

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