
[M] Up-to-date Concept Render

A project log for SlimeSaver [gd0105]

Combining MSLA and LOM to eliminate the time spent cleaning the slime.

kelvinakelvinA 03/07/2023 at 20:300 Comments

This model is long overdue because the open-style SleepCinema idea was rejected a long time ago. As I mentioned in a TestCut [gd0139] log, I had an idea for a modern but boxy redesign.

I model the actual thing really quickly (because I've only done the faces seen by the render camera) and then I look on GrabCAD for some castor wheels. After seeing a few, I think "You know what? I never liked castor wheels anyway. They're kind of large for heavy duty things and they don't respond to different movement directions all that well. This is a concept render anyway, so let's virtually spend £20 a wheel on some omniwheels!"

So I found some omniwheels and it turns out that Fusion 360 can actually take CATIA files and turn it into something I can use in Fusion360.

Made the wheels a light green because I like the look of it, added to the model, added a blue led texture to the base because I expected the box to look bland and took it to a render:

The blue was overkill, but I then tried without any LED and it was expectedly dull. I then tried a more realistic white LED strip and I think I've now got what I was looking for: elegant, yet boring, but with a hint of modern interesting.

Remember that interesting looking 3D printers are less likely to be "mass consumer" friendly, even though I doubt any mass consumer would be spending in the ballpark of £1500 (and potentially higher) to print AI generated 3D models.

Lastly, add some handles and fillet the inside edge.

Mn... not sure I like the look of that fillet. 

I'll skip on the ergonomics for now. I do think the milky green looks quite peaceful and mind-clearing. Might as well change the wheels to more accurate colours since I can use the handles as the highlight colour.

Copper looks REALLY modern and striking. The shorter FOV also helps. I think this is good enough for the final render after I reduce the length to 118cm (from 125cm). I've already reduced the depth from 60.5 to 57cm as I think it could be possible-- wait, is it? 

No, I did the maths wrong and I need something more like 64cm.

Final Render 1

Wow. This looks SO much more professional and worthy of its £1.5K+ expected BOM pricetag. Print volume aside, you have to realise that my indirect competitors are printers like the RatRig V-Core, Prusa XL, E3D Toolchanger, UltiMaker (if you squint), Raise3D, Voron, Anycubic M3 Max and probably a few others. The printer should look like £2Ks worth of kit.


Hmmm... I'm looking at cupboards and the handles are rotated 90 degrees from what I've got, and there's only 1 handle for cupboard doors the same size as the main door. Speaking of that door, it's only 60cm long and the expected max print length is 65.2cm. The door also needs airtight sealing around it, so I don't think getting under 1.2m is actually going to be possible unless the print area is also reduced. I also think 3 seperate doors is not going to be efficient (when sealing is added) and will have to switch to 1 long door.

Doesn't look as glamarous but those are the ergonomic rules and consumer expectations that I'm not about to go against. Now I know it looks like 3 seperate doors, but it's actually 3 seperate tiles in a single door, since each tile is 60 x 60cm and the printer is now 64 x 128cm in floorspace.
