Inspiration and/or examples of working principle
The background music for this one is also the music I mentally associate with this project (though the one in my head is a bit different).
Relevant Reading
The title tag system is explained here, and the most up-to-date is used (so there may be differences compared to the tags actually present in the log's title). Notable logs have bold white text.
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Dunno if you are still working on the idea, but I was wondering about the possibility of cooling down the resin.
Conventional Two part epoxy resin stops curing at -40ºC, and a consequence of that is higher viscosity.
So, cooling down the photoactive resin of conventional resin printers may increase their viscosity well enough for viscous lithography.
Or even allowing to work with conventional two part resins since you could program the laser/projector to locally heat the resin and cure it.