
[T] Quick Print Method

A project log for SlimeSaver [gd0105]

Combining MSLA and LOM to eliminate the time spent cleaning the slime.

kelvinakelvinA 06/23/2022 at 10:430 Comments

I just thought of the idea for a fast printing method for single colour, draft or solid parts. I say "draft and solid parts" because I hear that hollowed parts are prone to cracking a while after printing due to uncured resin in the part. For normal printing -- if LCD longevity allows -- I intend to expose the layer to be printed, collect the material from the lamination sheet, expose an offset for internal edges (might as well use the resin for the part instead of washing it away) and then go to the next layer. This quick print idea would be incompatible with this method and so would be intended for fast prototyping (hence, "draft") or no internal edges from hollowing the model (solid).

The quicker printing method

The quicker print method would work similar to a cassete tape where material is applied from one roller side onto the lamination material and collected on the other side. The lamination sheet will only need to move enough so that the laminated material covers the next layer and not be recollected and laminated every time.

In the example above, a parallelogram prizm is being printed. The white parallelogram is the image being exposed by the LCD and the black ones is where material has been cured to the part.
