
[M] SleepCinema / CeilingSingle Frame compatibility

A project log for SlimeSaver [gd0105]

Combining MSLA and LOM to eliminate the time spent cleaning the slime.

kelvinakelvinA 07/14/2022 at 02:270 Comments

Due to the SpaceApp and saving costs on the frame, as well as the new UV LED bar concept idea, I got the idea to make the Suspense installable into the SleepCinema. For those unaware, that is the frame I'm building for the #SecSavr Sublime [gd0036], and the CeilingSingle is intended to be the frame that doesn't surround a small double bed.

I'm gonna be honest with you. I feel like I'm playing 5D chess over here now.

This new SecSavr Suspense Concept is 700mm tall and the depth is 260mm. In a CeilingSingle, that should fit 3 up by 3 across, or 9 Suspenses (though the middle 3 are harder to access). Considering that there are a few timelapses on the internet of resin printers without their covers on, I assume it's more than acceptable to not have doors on the Suspense considering that uncured resin will likely be in the shadow of the lights, the uncured resin will only be out for a couple seconds at a time and the SleepCinema is designed to be airtight for noise dampening and fume containment.

I'm going to keep the dual ballscrews so that the printer can be perfecty symmetrical down the middle, allowing a square hole to go through the printer. This allows getting to the build plate of a printer behind, as well as still allowing me to use the belt bed of the Sublime.

With the extra length, there's not really anything expensive stopping me from going to a 450mm X axis. The washing step of submersing the part in cleaning fluid is also expected to be eliminated, so I don't have to worry about storing the liquid needed for the additional volume. I might want to look at 8mm or 10mm cast tooling plate for the bed though.
