
Comparator Complete

A project log for World's first 32bit Homebrew CPU

Creating the world's first 32bit homebrew CPU using 74' series logic.

phil-wrightPhil Wright 07/19/2017 at 00:430 Comments

I have been delayed recently by a bad batch of 16 pin long female headers. They arrived from China but were sub-standard, inserting a connector at the top caused some of the bottom pins to be pushed out. They simply didn't work. But a new batch has arrived that works and we are back in business again.

The 32bit comparator is split into a top and bottom board because there is not enough space to fit it all on a single 100mm x 80mm board. The top board begins by using 4 x 74682 chips to compare each of the 4 bytes from the first and second values.

Only if all four compares are equal is the 32bit compare also an equal. Discovering if the first value is less than the second is more complicated because there are several combinations that result in the less than result: -

Adding the logic for calculating the equal and less than outputs of the top board results in the following logic diagram: -

The bottom board takes the basic output of the top board and applies some extra logic. One of the control inputs is called NEG and is used to negate the output. For example, the branch if equal (BEQ) and branch if not equal (BNE) instructions only differ by setting this NEG control line. Another control line is called UNS and determines if the comparison should be signed or unsigned (BLTU, BGEU instructions). Finally a RES line is used to decide if a result should ever be output. This allows the output to be forced to zero. This is needed because the output of the board will be used as the control line input for a MUX elsewhere. We want to force the value to zero unless we are processing a branch instruction.

Here is the logic for the bottom board: -Testing shows that the logic is correct and the boards work as required. Although each board only worked on the third attempt at debugging the logic.

The comparator is going to be one of the slowest paths in the whole design. If you look at the worst path through both boards then it has 18 gates to get through. Yikes, good job I am not designing for speed!


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