The sigil that Braomar is standing on color-cycles. I had wanted to used one of those addressible LED rings in a project, so I found a suitably sized one to put in the base. I bought a tiny off the shelf controller for it and selected a color cycle program, but I also left an opening in the base so Glenn could dial in other sequences if he wanted to later.
Braomar's fireball also flickers like a fireball should. I was trying to use stuff I had lying around to build this, so I grabbed a single 5mm RGB LED and hollowed out the fireball to accept it before I printed it on my Form2 in clear resin. Then I ran the wires down to an Arduino Nano in the base and installed a fire-flicker program on it. Could I have done the whole thing with just the Arduino? Yes... but that little addressible LED sequencer was just so easy to drop in and it already had the switches on it. Ultimately I'm satisfied with the electronics in there.
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