
No need to modify the klipper source code

A project log for Fast Bed leveling sensor

High resolution Distance sensor for 3D printer Bed Leveling

markmark 08/01/2023 at 06:454 Comments

 No need to modify the klipper source code with latest code on githube for BD sensor.


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joejoe317 wrote 08/11/2023 at 06:50 point

also I saw you referenced a chip I’ve used before tca355g, did you just figure out how to use the capacitance chip, then found one for inductance?

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joejoe317 wrote 08/11/2023 at 06:49 point

when I go to the link, then on bottom click klipper it then takes you to how to patch klipper. Does the install instructions need to change, or am I misunderstanding what this means? I already have klipper, so I have to patch and reinstall?

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mark wrote 08/07/2023 at 02:20 point

I have tried to let the real time leveling work with klipper but not stable due to the speed limit of MCU to RPI, Maybe there are other solutions that I haven't found yet.

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jan.noname wrote 08/03/2023 at 14:44 point

Why doesn't the real time leveling work with Klipper?

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