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Standalone Arduino
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RGB Addressable LED Strip - 1m
WS2812B 60 LEDs / m
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Circular Mirror
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Circular One-way mirror
you can use 1 circular 6mm glass - 400mm dia instead. You need to put silver sun-control film on this - you can get this either from auto-accessories vendors or from window / glazing installers. 3M has a very good film that you should be able to get from 3M dealers
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Made of wood
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HC-05 Bluetooth module
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RTC Module – DS1302
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IR Proximity Sensor
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Touch Pad
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CP2102 USB-to-TTL
(the RST pin on the CP2102 is not for resetting the arduino – you have to solder a wire to the DTR pad on the PCB – which sends a reset signal to program the arduino. This has to be connected to the DTR pin on the Arduino