
Janktop IV Mini-ITX Laptop (4.1 Coming soon)

MINI-ITX laptop with full desktop GPU, CPU motherboard and RAM, as well as custom watercooling.

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Janktop 4 is a hybrid machine; part laptop, part desktop. It can't honestly be classified as either completely. With standard Mini-ITX compatibility, and 230mm dual slot GPU support, it has the upgradability and compatibility of an SFF PC, while still keeping a laptop screen and keyboard, and a chassis about 2x the size of a standard desktop replacement, laptop and about 1/2 the size of a small (but not tiny) PC. The chassis is internally watercooled, with 2x Alphacool 40mm Triple radiators, as 6x 40mm fans. Current specs:

Ryzen 5 2600x
Asrock x570 MINI-ITX
RX 5700 XT
Samsung 980 1TB
1080p 75hz display
Alienware 17 r1 keyboard

Additional info can be found here:

CPU cooling should be able to handle 5950x, as current temps are 69 max under synthetic load, and 40-50 gaming, without the most aggressive fan and pump curve. GPU temps are mediocre, but the GPU airflow has not been finalized yet.

Edit: Gpu airflow for this case will never be great, but short blower cards should perform fine if they exist. However, the radiators have proven to be far more than enough for the cpu, so I am installing a waterblock on my 5700 XT, and giving it access to one of the two 40mm triple rads. 

Janktop 4.5 coming hopefully by New Years!
Will include fully custom display assembly for full modern panel support, as well as some cool unique features.
May also include some form of pointing device.

  • Janktop 4.1 Nearly finished!

    slightlylessstripeysnake02/12/2023 at 17:34 1 comment

    While the custom display assembly will be coming at a later date, I've pretty much finished designing a major revision to the janktop design with improved cooling, durability, ergonomics, aesthetics, and general functionality. Some major changes include:

    Rotating the gpu slot 90 degrees to now only really support waterblocked GPUs

    Much more internal space for cable management, as well as some basic stuff to ziptie cables to

    Switch over from 40mm triple rads to 60mm dual radiators, which offer better surface area and fan CFM at a significantly lower price.

    A new alternate configuration for the left side vents which removes one of the two radiators, but allows you to slot up to a 340mm dual slot gpu, ideally with a blower configuration. (blower 4090 would fit)

    General design and space improvements. 

    The reason I'm not yet releasing the design is both myself and a friend of mine plan to build the updated design in coming months, and I'll probably make some small improvements to the design after that.

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Giovanni wrote 07/20/2024 at 03:15 point

very cool project! I'm looking to develop a mobile motherboard standard- something like PicoITX for laptops, or smaller for phones and tablets:

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SouthIvy4690986 wrote 12/20/2023 at 16:22 point


is there printing files out yet for this?

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Giovanni wrote 01/19/2023 at 08:13 point

What kind of battery you wanted to insert in this awesome project?

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kelvinA wrote 07/06/2022 at 02:00 point

Have there been any updates to this?

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slightlylessstripeysnake wrote 08/09/2022 at 21:03 point

Haven't updated this page, but alpha files will be going up on github on the 12th, in 3 days. :)

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slightlylessstripeysnake wrote 05/15/2022 at 20:59 point

I did consider making it an AIO, but I find them cumbersome and kind of a slippery slope back to being not portable. For me, the Janktop just feels like a large old alienware laptop iwht no battery, which is still fairly portable. The palmrest dosen't heat up too much right now, but with planned changes, it shouldn't at all. That said, the air intakes on the palmrest help keep my hand cool, even when it does warm up a bit.

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hardik-109 wrote 02/27/2023 at 12:21 point

almost perfect machine, im just wondering what would be its battery solution, according to my knowledge it would need a custom battery management board 

im very much inspired by your DIY LAPTOP built i was also planing to built one for myself as laptops are very expensive in india, was googling for ideas and came across your one

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Matthew James Bellafaire wrote 05/12/2022 at 20:10 point

Fantastic build. Is it comfortable to use when it gets warm? also have you considered laying it out like a Microsoft surface and having the computer be more like a portable all in one?

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