
Spherical Robot with Extensible Arm

Self-balancing robot with deployable arm

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This concept robot is a robust, self-balancing, sphere-based robot.
With a diameter of 500mm, the height of the arm can reach 2 m.
It is capable of opposable ground steering. The centre section of the sphere is a vertically positionable ‘turret’, with sensing and vision. Self-balancing is achieved through gyroscopic stabilization using motor manipulation. The core is kept vertically upright with the outer ring changes position relative the core using BLDC gimbal-like controls.

The purpose of this project is to create a really cool rolling robot with periscopic like abilities.

Main parts:
Core - cylindrical drum to which the drive wheel substructure are attached

Turret chain - links of this unidirectional chain wrap around the outer ring and are deployed vertically through rotation of the outer ring relative to the core

Turret - wrapped around centre shaft of core, the deployable turret or 'head' of this robot contains positionable sensor equipment including a FPV camera

Wheels - dome shaped shells with an inner track which the drive motors move while staying relatively stationary

  • Extensible Arm Chain

    ken.do11/27/2016 at 02:39 0 comments

    This 'chain' of sectional pieces is extended in a two part system:

    1. Chain is 'unrolled' from outer ring

    2. Verticality is maintained through a coordinated sensor/servo network

    The chain is unrolled by rotating the outer ring around the hub drum using gimbal-like motors to actuate the unrolling action. Soft stop points are set up in the programming. The gimbal-like motors can work as inverted pendulum balancers once arm is at full extension, keeping the arm chain anchor point at the top of the outer ring. The sensor used for balancing is located in the arm chain anchor point on the outer ring and is activated only when the arm is fully extended.

    Verticality of the arm chain is maintained through a gyro sensor in the 'head' of the bot. This runs an attitude correction servo in the linkage to maintain uprightness of the head link. Each successive section also contains a gyro sensor which is is activated when the chain section reaches an appropriate pitch, working with other servos to keep the chain section vertically aligned with the rest of the sections.

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