Old rotary dial phones are difficult to reuse on the modern phone network, so why don't reuse them to tell stories ?
Most people know how to use the rotary dial interface, and how to listen on the phone.
So I decided to revamp these old devices, using simple Arduino/MP3 player stuff, and old cables (like a cyborg, the modern circuit is plugged at strategic spots of the old one).
A SD card slot located under the phone lets users change the sounds whenever they want.
I have been modifying these old guys for years - great project. I decode the 10 pulse dialled digits with a pic 10f202 Microchip device and send a digital message to a BY8301-16 player
All run off either 3 x AAA cells or a 5V USB 18650 recharge pack
Hook switch powers up and message "0" is dialtone and a "put back the receiver" message followed by a loud "off-hook" tone after 20 seconds
Un ESP32 devkit (azdelivery) qui gère tout, ducoup on a deux modules radios, un tx-saw mid/3v qui envoie les commandes en 433MHz et un autre qui récupère les signaux des télécommandes 433MHz lambda que tu retrouves partout. Aussi puisque l'ESP est connecté à notre wifi, on l'utilise pour communiquer avec Alexa avec la lib Fauxmo esp, ducoup on peut dire alexa ferme les volets et ça les ferme. Je ferais un post bientôt sur ce projet
I have been modifying these old guys for years - great project.
I decode the 10 pulse dialled digits with a pic 10f202 Microchip device and send a digital message to a BY8301-16 player
All run off either 3 x AAA cells or a 5V USB 18650 recharge pack
Hook switch powers up and message "0" is dialtone and a "put back the receiver" message followed by a loud "off-hook" tone after 20 seconds