
SolarSens - 3D printable solar weatherstation

A 3D printable modular wifi weatherstation.

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SolarSens is a modular weather station.

It can be equipped with various sensors. Sensors, which also have to be illuminated by sunlight, can be installed waterproof on the "sensor phalanx" above the solar cell on the outside. This way brightness and UV exposure can also be measured.

Additional sensors can be installed inside the weather station (for example temperature and humidity sensors). In addition, an SDS011 can be "piggybacked" on the back of the housing. The solar cell on the front supplies the electronics with energy and charges the built-in 18650 LiPo cell.

The measured data can be sent to your own SmartHome using WiFi.

I am currently working on a new circuit board, which should enable the data to be forwarded via LoRa and / or gsm.

SolarSens is a modular weather station.

It can be equipped with various sensors. Sensors, which also have to be illuminated by sunlight, can be installed waterproof on the "sensor phalanx" below the solar cell on the outside of the housing. This way brightness and UV exposure can also be measured.

Additional sensors can be installed inside the weather station (for example temperature and humidity sensors). In addition, an SDS011 can be "piggybacked" on the back of the housing. The solar cell on the front supplies the electronics with energy and charges the built-in 18650 LiPo cells.

The measured data can be sent to your own SmartHome using WiFi.

I am currently working on a new circuit board, which should enable the data to be forwarded via LoRa and / or gsm.


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Software/code-based works Unless otherwise stated, all software/code-based works presented here are subject to the GNU Affero General Public License v3.0

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  • Sensor housing for SBM-20 Geiger Müller Tube

    Fabian08/12/2022 at 15:05 0 comments

    In order to expand the range of possible sensors, I created a housing in which an SBM-20 Geiger-Müller tube could be accommodated.

    It would also be possible to detect ionizing radiation with SolarSens. Of course, additional electronics are required for this. This would then be installed inside the case.
    I hope you get an impression of how the whole thing could look like.

    Look of the sensor housing
    Sensor housing mounted on the sensor surface of SolarSens

  • Finished CAD work (mostly)

    Fabian05/31/2022 at 16:55 0 comments

    I'm still working on the final parts of the design. You can see the current status in the pictures.

    What is still missing are the modular sensor housings, which are screwed onto the front panel below the solar cell.

    Compared to the first version, I have positioned it under the solar cell. The idea behind it was that the sensor housing would not be able to cast shadows on the solar cell and that in the event of a leak, the moisture could not penetrate the upper edge but only very far down into the housing.

    On the rendered views you can already see the stepper motor in the base with which the housing should always align itself towards the sun. A suitable stand on which the weather station can be rotated is missing here. :)

  • First version of the sensorPhalanx PCB

    Fabian05/31/2022 at 16:54 0 comments

    Here you can see the first version of the solarPhalanx PCB.

    This PCB contains all kind of light related sensors, with which the brightness, uv radiation values and even the alignment of the weather station can be determined. 

    Unfortunately, due to the current shortage of chips, not all sensors are available.  But there are definitely enough left for a first test. :)

    A first overview of the available components can be seen in the picture below.

  • First version of the solarSens MCU PCB

    Fabian05/31/2022 at 16:53 0 comments

    Here are some initial information about the main PCB. 

    It contains a GSM or LoRa radio module, a solar MPPT charger, a possibility to use the connected solar cell as a pyranometer, a stepper motor driver for the correct alignment of the solar cell and many other features. 

    You can get a first rough overview on the pictures shown. :)

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kris-makes wrote 08/04/2022 at 15:34 point

Hello, just wondering if these kind of batteries are applicable for outdoor use, mainly thinking about the extreme temperatures.
I like the design btw.

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Fabian wrote 08/11/2022 at 16:56 point

Hi, thanks. :) Yeah for sure this could lead to a problem. Proper batteries must be inserted here to guarantee proper power supply at very low voltages. :)

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Yopo wrote 08/04/2022 at 11:53 point


on one picture "Sim-800c-GSM" and "Nano-Sim-slot" need to be swapped.

Nice project btw. ^^

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Fabian wrote 08/11/2022 at 16:56 point

Thanks for the hint. :)

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