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A project log for CT system Revamp

The most probable failure to decommissioned a system is Image Processing Unit Hardware. Here a way to Rescue it, using Open Source solutions

proyectosyprototiposproyectosyprototipos 06/15/2022 at 15:500 Comments

In the every day work, i put all my enthusiam and effort to recognize what is the fault in a broken system, from the Field Service point of view. That is, have clear what means every error code, and the countermeasures to fix it ASAP. I never realized (nor had time to think about), what is happenning under the hood.

Then, the pandemic´s lockdown came..... 

In my case, i had a lot of free time to invest in research and web surfing, to learn, understand, and figure out how to do my idea. There is a lot of useful information out there. if you want read, then try this entries at google:

- Computed Tomography

- CT reconstruction

- FDK reconstruction

- Inverse Radon transform

- Tomographic Reconstruction Wiki

Youtube has nice presentations too, and if you like advanced Maths, the ReseachGate WebPage has very interesting papers/lecturers of academic rigor.


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