
The screen works!

A project log for HACKtablet: Crestron TSS-752 Teardown + Rebuild

Tearing down a Crestron display conference room controller, the second. And making it into a CircuitPython device.

kmatch98kmatch98 06/10/2022 at 20:440 Comments

Ok, the display works.  The backlight current is between 75 and 125 mA at around 9 volts, depending upon how bright you like it.  I corrected the left/right flip by setting the L/R pin to high, and now the graphics are oriented properly. Also I resized the LVGL code so that the graph fills the whole screen. 

Next I need to to explore the ESP-IDF demo to understand the LCG functions that are provided and practice by drawing things in the screen, lines, rectangles, etc.

Also I am realizing that this is a giant rats nest of wires and prone to pulling wires loose from the breadboard. I should design a PCB to house the ESP32-S3 demo board, the display connectors and a backlight driver so that I can bolt them directly to the back of the display for development. 


Also I verified the touch panel I2C pinout and confirmed that the touch panel registers touches for the arrow key regions and the X touch button. 

Other next steps are to stat the journey of adding the ESP32-S3 LCD RBG peripheral into CircuitPython. Here is the issue on GitHub if you want to follow along or contribute.
