
I made it! Super fun to play :)

A project log for Goats vs Llamas - a New Downloadable 3D Board Game

This game is an exploration of how much you can do by downloading a game - using both a paper-printer and a 3D printer.

mark-greenbaumMark Greenbaum 06/13/2022 at 20:111 Comment

I'm the co-creator on this project. I followed the instructions listed here to do the build and am delighted (but not surprised) that Jude has been super thorough with the instructions. I love to build with cardboard but I always have at least 1 child hanging off me at any one time - so if I can do it - so can you! It is really easy to play and lots of fun. I had some great moments with my son. Lots of laughing and silliness mixed with a few sweet moments. I can't wait to see other people build this game! I started off with the basic version - and will do the 3D printed version next.


jude_pullen wrote 06/14/2022 at 08:03 point

Such good times!! =D

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