
Slot-In Record Player with Arduino rfid & mp3

Transform an old "slot-in record player": make a magical mp3 player with the help of RFID reader and tags

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Why not to make something cool around an old "slot-in record player"?
By following this recipe, you will transform it in an magical mp3 player, where the only thing to do for listening a song is to insert the beautiful record cover into the slot.
Sure, there is no mistery in it, we will simply insert an RFID tag into the cover in order to recognize the track to play with Arduino.

We are Ibrahima, Scott, Antoine and Arthur, all students at LDLC School, a digital school in France. When our teacher Jean Noël showed us his first version of the Arduino based slot-in record player, a project he made years ago, we found it way cool and we decided to work on the V2. This new version will have improvements essentially on the human machine interface in order to make it more user friendly.

See it in action:

About us:

We are Ibrahima, Scott, Antoine and Arthur, all students at LDLC School, a digital school in France. 

When our teacher Jean Noël showed us his first version of the Arduino based slot-in record player, a project he made years ago, we found it way cool and we decided to work on the V2. This new version will have improvements essentially on the human machine interface in order to make it more user friendly. 

For instance, it will be no more necessary to upload a new Arduino sketch to update the playlist, you'll be able to do it directly by naming your .mp3 files on the SD card. Also we are adding an RGB LCD display to give informations to the user and make some cool light animations.

Why do we enter to the Hack It Back Hackaday prize contest? 

Our plan is to make it in the form of an easy DIY electronic kit and to scale it in order to sale on

We also want to launch with a crowdfundig campaign, on Indiegogo or Kickstarter for instance.
That's why we need to win somewhere between the fifth and the first place, the Supplyframe DesignLab Residency would be ideal to reach our goal.

Making of pictures:


Arduino Sketch

ino - 4.02 kB - 07/15/2022 at 12:15



Schematic detail

JPEG Image - 147.44 kB - 07/05/2022 at 08:40


wiring sheet.xlsx

wiring map between the boards

sheet - 10.21 kB - 06/30/2022 at 09:48


Boards wiring.jpg

Wiring all the boards together before integration in the case

JPEG Image - 48.08 kB - 06/29/2022 at 20:20


View all 17 components

View all 4 project logs

  • 1
    Wiring all the boards together before integration in the case
  • 2
    Put all the wires according to the schematic
  • 3
    Arduino IO mapping:

View all 5 instructions

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tormozedison wrote 06/21/2022 at 11:08 point

These slot-in record players are great, but have one inconvenience, they can only play low diameter records, and are incompatible with flexible records.

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Jean Noel wrote 06/21/2022 at 11:41 point

With our Hack It Back project it does'nt matter. You can use a cover only (if you don't have a cover it's possible to make it yourself): you just have to put an RFID Tag inside

  Are you sure? yes | no

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