
Homemade PCB

A project log for Outragian Clock

Pace your day at Ultradian Rhythms with this 16 segment clock (or a case of serendipity and coincidence)

danjovicdanjovic 10/17/2022 at 06:112 Comments

I have built a PCB at home using toner transfer method

The board was assembled and I have a first release of the code uploaded in github

As the display is placed on the bottom the board provides holes to solder bare wires that are wrapped on the display pins.


danjovic wrote 10/19/2022 at 17:52 point

Thanks!! It was only after etching the board that I have realized that the pads on Nano library were too small, even for my 0.8mm drill bit. 

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Tomek Szczęsny wrote 10/19/2022 at 16:28 point

That's a very nice PCB etch, well done! As you may have noticed, it's a good idea to make extra large pads just in case they erode too much, Making a "hole" smaller than actual end result helps center the drill bit more precisely.

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