
ShaRPIKeebo - Nano Linux Computer

A tiny Raspberry Linux computer with a keyboard, a daylight-readable screen, and a long-range transceiver

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ShaRPiKeebo is probably the smallest Linux computer you’ll find with a physical QWERTY keyboard. Measuring just 6 x 11 x 1.5 cm and powered by a Raspberry Pi (RPi) Zero W or 2W, it features a 400x240-pixel, low-power, daylight-readable, black-and-white SHARP Memory Display and a long-range wireless transceiver.

With a low-latency display, two D-pads, on-board power-management, and support for Wi-Fi connectivity, this open-hardware, battery-powered nanocomputer is perfect for gamers, system administrators, software developers, pentesters, students, makers, and any Linux geek..

You can support us and get a fully built item on crowdsupply

Linux on a Raspberry Pi in the Palm of Your Hand

Who hasn’t dreamed of a computer the size of a calculator they could use to play games or carry out system-administration tasks when they’re on the go? Who doesn’t want a way to keep busy or stay entertained on a bus or a train or a subway? (A way that does not require balancing expensive hardware on their lap while repeatedly elbowing their neighbors…) Who wouldn’t enjoy leaving their bag or backpack at home more often? Scenarios like this speak to us, here at Morpheans, so we decided to make them a reality—with the ShaRPiKeebo nanocomputer.

As the culmination of the BlakRPi range of mini-computers we’ve been developing over the past four years, ShaRPiKeebo comes with the following…

Features & Specifications

  • 2.7", 400x240-pixel, low-latency, energy-efficient LS027B7DH01 SHARP Memory Display
  • Built-in, QMK-compatible USB QWERTY keyboard with 56 keys
  • Can function as an external keyboard when attached to another device (such as a rack server)
  • Two four-button D-pads for gaming
  • Five buttons, controllable via (up/down) GPIO voltage detection
  • Four independently controlled LEDs, programmable using classic GPIO commands in C++ or Python
  • Long-range, 433-MHz radio transceiver (currently RFM95; working on upgrade to CE-marked RakWireless chip)
  • On-board battery-management and charging module that draws power through USB Type-C
  • A JST connector for a LiPo battery
  • UART and I²C available through GPIO for external 3.3 V modules (GPS, a 4G or 5G modem, etc.)
  • ISP programming port available for QMK-keyboard flashing or upgrades
  • Form factor
    • SBC connector: 2x40-pin connector for Raspberry Pi Zero W or 2W SBCs
    • Dimensions: 66 x 115 x 20 mm
    • Weight: Under 100 g

View all 4 project logs

  • 1
    Step by Step tutorial to install the OS and Display drivers

    One of the besk link to install the system and drivers is here

    This has been made possible with the fantastic help of Larry Bank 

View all instructions

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Nathan Harvey wrote 09/28/2022 at 20:16 point

Why does this say 433 MHz, but the crowd supply link switched to the 33cm band (902-928 MHz)? I want something that can interact with my Baofeng (or maybe even the cheap FRS radios, lol). Can I retune it back to the 70cm band?

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nerdu wrote 09/20/2022 at 08:05 point

I have a question about battery life.

Were any operations sometimes performed during the test? e.g. compilation, text editor, shell

Did you reduce the speed clocking of memory and processor? Did you turn off the power for USB on the raspberry pi 

this device have sound speaker? can You run sound like mp3 for 6-10 h?

can You show video in real situation connecting trought 433Mhz band? in town or in empty place

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BigVulcanDeal wrote 07/03/2022 at 22:10 point

Is the look and name in any way an homage to Cybiko?

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donaldej wrote 07/05/2022 at 16:22 point

Cybiko was cool. I had one of those. My first email address was a Cybiko address. 

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teraz wrote 07/02/2022 at 11:35 point

You planing full assembly device too?

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pcadic wrote 07/08/2022 at 13:06 point

yes here. it is still time to get one:

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teraz wrote 08/18/2022 at 15:47 point

this is not full assembly

no antena no power, no enclosure

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pcadic wrote 08/18/2022 at 16:41 point

teraz : I just turned 93 and a lifetime of experience has taught me this: never cut corners and never talk too fast.

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tywy wrote 07/01/2022 at 19:31 point

please add normal usb A host for keyboard (one) and mouse (two)

and knob for sound or moving trought menu etc.

second trouble is power. Is possible using mesh (or writing himself) communication trought radio band?

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pcadic wrote 07/08/2022 at 13:05 point

good suggestions.. I'll add them 

yes you can write mesh lora protocol

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tywy wrote 07/09/2022 at 15:29 point

meybe implementing 

other device can using this

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