Components Specifications:
Following are the major components used in my design. I have uploaded their symbols and footprints online on Inventhub in components management library for the users who want to implement my design. They can simply download and reuse components instead of designing them again.
1. ESP32-WROOM Module:
- Processor 2.4 GHz
- WiFi IEEE 802.11 b/g/n-compliant
- Bluetooth 5 module
- 4 MB flash
- 15 GPIOs
- Onboard PCB antenna or external antenna connector
- Operating voltage/Power supply: 3.0 ~ 3.6 V
2. SHT20 Sensor IC:
- Digital Humidity and temperature sensor
- Humidity accuracy ±3%RH
- Response time (τ63%) 8sec
- Operating relative humidity range 0 - 100%RH
- Temperature accuracy 0.3°C
- Response time (τ63%) 5sec
- Operating temperature range -40 - 125°C
3. DRV8837 Motor Driver IC:
- H-bridge motor driver
- 1-A Maximum Drive Current
- 0- to 11-V Operating Supply-Voltage Range
- Standard PWM Interface (IN1/IN2)
- Protection Features; VCC Undervoltage Lockout (UVLO), Overcurrent Protection (OCP), Thermal Shutdown (TSD)
4. AMS1117 Voltage Regulator:
- Package SOT223
- 1-Amp 3.3-Volt
- Low Drop Out Voltage Regulator
- USB to serial UART interface
- Data transfer rates from 300 baud to 3 Mbaud at TTL levels
- Configurable I/O pin output drive strength; 4 mA to16 mA
- +5V Single Supply Operation
- Fully integrated 2048 byte multi-timeprogrammable memory
6. NE555 Timer IC:
- Input supply voltage, 4.5 V to 16 V
- High current timer output signal
- Timing From Microseconds to Hours
- Astable or Monostable Operation
- Adjustable Duty Cycle
- Power Mosfet 20 V, 285 mA
- N−Channel SOT−723
- ESD Protection
- Low Threshold Levels, VGS(TH) < 1.3 V
8. OP AMP LM358D IC:
- Single Supply Dual Operational Amplifier
- Short Circuit Protected Outputs
- True Differential Input Stage
- Single Supply Operation: 3.0 V to 32 V
Working of Schematic:
My main schematic file consists of a hierarchical design. I have created 7 sub-schematics that are linked to the main schematic file. While working with a complicated design iit’salways a good practice to make a hierarchical design. After creating my schematic in Altium, I have uploaded all my design files online on Inventhub for the users and the manufacturers.
This schematic file has 4 blocks; USB connectors, ESD, lights, and pump.
Capacitive Moisture Sensor:
There is only one block in this schematic file that contains NE555 timer IC and an LM358 operational amplifier. It is used as a soil moisture sensor. Two ports; SIG, and CAPSTAR are coming out of tis block that are further attached to the MCU block in main schematic.
To provide power to the circuit, 5V or 3V3 Power supply and an LED block is attached in this schematic file.
This schematic file consists of a pump driver block. Half bridge motor driver is attched to the capacitors. Input and output ports are attached to the I/O ports of MCU and connector block respectively in main schematic.
ESP32 MINI is the main component of this schematic file.
In this schematic a USB to serial IC is attached with capacitors and resistors. This is used for the communication between the MCU and USB.
This sensor schematic is used to detect the temperature, humidity, and soil moisture. It has SHT20 sensor with pull up resistors.
PCB Design:
I have converted my schematic file to the PCB file in Altium, where I can create connections on the board, define the shape of the board, arrange the components on the board, and can view my PCB in 3D view. I have uploaded my PCB file on Inventhub, where I can view my boards in different layers and can focus on a specific layer by disabling the other layers. Users and manufacturers can easily view or download my design for the implementation.
To create a backup of my design, I have uploaded different revisions of...
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