Here are additional details you need to understand including the Control Pulse Matrix and the instructions.
The control pulses are the heart of the system. Each instruction has a sequence of control lines that are activated to cause data to flow through the system. Some of the control pulses have a control number in the control number column. These numbers came from the R-700 documentation. Through testing it was discovered there are a few minor errors in the matrix. I found another version that had the correct control pulses. These errors were in the multiply and divide instructions.
The following table is a combination of design and implementation. It lists each control pulse, where it originates and terminates on the hardware diagrams and what function is performed. The hardware diagram names are sub-system followed by module followed by sub-module. The Active State column can have a value of Low or High meaning the control pulse is active low or high, or values of Pulse meaning it is a pulse such as a clock pulse or a value of Bit meaning the value represents a bit value. Most of the control pulses are active low because many of the TTL chip inputs that are controlled are active low. That and many more of the TTL chips are active low logic. The few control pulses that are active high were chosen to be because that resulted in fewer chips required. Just an FYI, this table formats better on my GitHub wiki page.
Control Line | Origin | Destination | Purpose | Cntl # | Active State |
A2X | CTL-CPM-A | PROC-CRG-AREG, PROC-ALU | Copy A1-16 into X1-16 by private line (i.e. not through WL). | 1 | Low |
B15X | CTL-CPM-A | PROC-ALU | Set bit 15 of X to 1 | 2 | Low |
BR1 | CTL-SEQ | CTL-CPM-A | BR1 state | n/a | Low |
BR2 | CTL-SEQ | CTL-CPM-A | BR2 state | n/a | Low |
CI | CTL-CPM-A | PROC-ALU | Set carry in bit into CI register. Adds 1 to adder value. | 3 | Low |
CLXC | CTL-CPM-A | PROC-ALU | Clear X register if BR1=0. Used in Divide. | 4 | Low |
CLISQ | CTL-CPM-C | CTL-SEQ | Clear the SNI bit | n/a | Low |
CLK1 | CTL-CLK | All | 1 MHz Clock | n/a | Pulse |
CLK2 | CTL-CLK | All | 1 MHz Clock | n/a | Pulse |
CLK3 | CTL-CLK | All | 1 MHz Clock | n/a | Pulse |
CLK4 | CTL-CLK | All | 1 MHz Clock | n/a | Pulse |
CLRP | CTL-CPM-C | MEM-INT | Clear RpCell register | n/a | Low |
DCDSUB | CTL-CPM-C | CTL-SEQ | Decode Sub-sequence | n/a | Low |
DISP | CTL-CPM-B | DSKY-DSP | Write to Channel 10 | n/a | Low |
DVST | CTL-CPM-A | CTL-SEQ | Cause Divide staging by complimenting the next higher bit position. Sequence: 0, 1, 3, 7, 6, 4. | 5 | Low |
DOTP1 | CTL-SEQ | CTL-CPM-C | Do TP1 commands | n/a | Low |
DOTP4 | CTL-SEQ | CTL-CPM-C | Do TP4 commands | n/a | Low |
DOTP6 | CTL-SEQ | CTL-CPM-C | Do TP6 commands | n/a | Low |
DOTP7 | CTL-SEQ | CTL-CPM-C | Do TP7 commands | n/a | Low |
DOTP10 | CTL-SEQ | CTL-CPM-C | Do TP10 commands | n/a | Low |
DOTP12 | CTL-SEQ | CTL-CPM-C | Do TP12 commands | n/a | Low |
EQU3 | MEM-MBF | CTL-CPM-B | Instruction address = 3 | n/a | Low |
EQU4 | MEM-MBF | CTL-CPM-B | Instruction address = 4 | n/a | Low |
EQU6 | MEM-MBF | CTL-CPM-B | Instruction address = 6 | n/a | Low |
EQU17 | MEM-ADR | CTL-SEQ | Inst. address = 17 | n/a | Low |
EXAMNXT | MEM-ADR_S | MEM-ADR-MDE | Examine next key pressed | n/a | Low |
EXT | CTL-CPM-A, CTL-CPM-B | CTL-SEQ-SEQB | Set the extend bit. | 6 | Low |
EXTEND | CTL-SEQ-SEQB | CTL-CPM-C, CTL-CPM-A, CTL-SEQ | >td >n/a | Bit | |
F10X | CTL-SCL | MEM-CTR-CTL | 100 Hz timeout | n/a | Low |
F13X | CTL-SCL | CTL-TPG | 12.5 Hz timeout | n/a | Low |
F17X | CTL-SCL | CTL-TPG | 0.78125 Hz timeout | n/a | Low |
FCLK | CTL-MON | MEM-ADR-MDE | Clock Mode | n/a | Low |
GENRST | CTL-MON | All | General Reset | n/a | Low |
G1 | MEM-MBF | PROC-CRG-AREG | G reg bit 1 value | n/a | Bit |
G16 | MEM-MBF | PROC-CRG-AREG | G reg bit 16 value | n/a | Bit |
G2LS | CTL-CPM-A | PROC-CRG-LREG, MEM-MBF-GMB | Copy G16,15-4,1 into L16,12-1 and X15 | 7 | Low |
GETBP | CTL-TPG | MEM-ADR-ATS, MEM-ADR-CTL | Get Breakpoint Address | n/a | Low |
GMZ | MEM-MBF-GMB | CTL-SEQ-SEQA | G reg. is all zeros | n/a | Low |
GP | MEM-EFM | MEM-PAR | Generate Parity | n/a | Low |
GTR7 | MEM-ADR-CTL | CTL-CPM-B | Address is > 07 | n/a | Low |
GTR1777 | MEM-ADR-CTL | CTL-CPM-B, MEM-EFM | Address is > 01777 | n/a | Low |
INDC | CTL-CPM-B | DSKY-DSP | Write to channel 11 | n/a | Low |
INHINT | CTL-CPM-B | MEM-INT | Execute INHINT command | n/a | Low |
INTR | CTL-CPM-C | CTL-SEQ | Perform Interrupt (RUPT) | n/a | Low |
IRQ | MEM-INT | CTL-CPM-C | Interrupt requested | n/a | Low |
ISBP | MEM-ADR-CTL | CTL-TPG | >td >n/a | Low | |
ISRUPT | MEM-INT | CTL-TPG | Is an interrupt pending? | n/a | Low |
KB_STR | DSKY-KBD | MEM-INT | Key Strobe, data is latched | n/a | Low |
KBD1 | CTL-CPM-B | DSKY-KBD | Read Channel 15 | n/a | Low |
KRPT | CTL-CPM-A | MEM-INT | Reset the current RUPT priority (cell). | 8 | Low |
L1 | PROC-CRG-LREG | CTL-CPM-B | L register bit 1 value | n/a | Bit |
L2 | PROC-CRG-LREG | CTL-CPM-B | L register bit 2 value | n/a | Bit |
L15 | PROC-CRG-LREG | PROC-ALU | L register bit 15 value | n/a | Bit |
L16 | CTL-CPM-A | PROC-CRG-LREG | Set bit 16 of L to one. | 9 | Low |
L2GD | CTL-CPM-A | MEM-MBF, PROC-CRG-LREG | Copy L1-14,16 directly (not through WL) into G2-15,16. Also set G1 bit if MCRO pulse is set. | 10 | Low |
MANDATA | MEM-ADR-MDE | MEM-EFM, MEM-MBF-GMB | 0 = AGC (normal ops), 1 = Manual Data | n/a | Low |
MCRO | CTL-CPM-B | MEM-MBF-MBL | Part of the ZIP command. | n/a | Low |
MONEX | CTL-CPM-A | PROC-ALU | Set bits 2-16 of X to ones, clear bit 1. | 11 | Low |
MOUT | Only used by DINC, not implemented. | N/A | Causes generation of one minus drive pulse. | n/a | Low |
NEACOF | CTL-CPM-A | PROC-ALU | Permit end around carry after end of MP3. | 12 | Low |
NEACON | CTL-CPM-A | PROC-ALU | Inhibit end around carry until NEACOF. | 13 | Low |
NISQ | CTL-CPM-A, CTL-CPM-C | CTL-SEQ | Set SNI bit. Next instruction to be loaded into SQ register. Permits increments and interrupts. | 14 | Low |
PARALM | MEM-PAR | DSKY-DSP-IND | Parity Alarm | n/a | High |
PIFL | CTL-CPM-A | PROC-ALU | Prevents writing into bit 1 of Y reg on a WYD pulse if bit 15 of L reg contains a 1. Used for DV instruction. | 15 | Low |
PINC | CTL-CPM-C | CTL-SEQ | Execute PINC command | n/a | Low |
PONEX | CTL-CPM-A | PROC-ALU | Clear X register and set bit 1 of X to 1. | 16 | Low |
PSTGZ | CTL-SEQ-SEQA | CTL-CPM-C | PreStage is zero. | n/a | Low |
PTWOX | CTL-CPM-A | PROC-ALU | Clear X register and set bit 2 of X to 1. | 17 | Low |
R15 | CTL-CPM-A | PROC-ALU | Octal 015 to WL's | 18 | Low |
R1C | CTL-CPM-A | PROC-ALU | 1’s compliment of octal 1 to write bus (WL's) | 19 | Low |
R6 | CTL-CPM-A | PROC-ALU | Octal 6 to WL's | 20 | Low |
RA | CTL-CPM-A | PROC-CRG-AREG | Read A1-16 to WL1-16. | 21 | Low |
RAD | CTL-CPM-A | CTL-CPM-B | Read address of next instruction. Appears at TP8 and normally interpreted as RG. If next instruction is INHINT, RELINT or EXTEND, it is interpreted as RZ & ST2 instead. | 22 | Low |
RB | CTL-CPM-A, CTL-CPM-C | PROC-ALU | Read B1-16 to WL1-16 | 23 | Low |
RBBK | CTL-CPM-A | MEM-ADR-BNK | Read BB register onto WL's. FB16 to WL16,15 & FB11-14 to WL11=14 & EB9-11 to WL1-3. | 27 | Low |
RB1 | CTL-CPM-A | PROC-ALU | Octal 1 onto WL's | 24 | Low |
RB1F | CTL-CPM-A | PROC-ALU | Octal 1 onto WL's if BR1=1. | 25 | Low |
RB2 | CTL-CPM-A | PROC-ALU | Octal 2 onto WL's | 26 | Low |
RC | CTL-CPM-A | PROC-ALU | Read C register (B') | 28 | Low |
RCH | CTL-CPM-A | CTL-CPM-B, PROC-CRG-RCHN, MEM-ADR-ATS | Read contents of channel address in S. Channel bits 1-14 to WL1-14 & bit 16 to WL15,16. Channels 1 & 2 same as RL and RQ | 29 | Low |
REB | CTL-CPM-B | MEM-ADR-BNK | Read erasable bank reg | n/a | Low |
RELINT | CTL-CPM-B | MEM-INT | Execute RELINT command. | n/a | Low |
RFB | CTL-CPM-B | MEM-ADR-BNK | Read fixed bank reg | n/a | Low |
RG | CTL-CPM-A, CTL-CPM-B | MEM-MBF | Read G1-16 onto WL1-16. | 30 | Low |
RL | CTL-CPM-A | PROC-CRG-LREG | Read L1-14 to WL1-14 and L16 to WL15,16 | 31 | Low |
RLC | CTL-CPM-B | PROC-CRG-LREG | Read channel bus into L register | n/a | Low |
RL10BB | CTL-CPM-A | PROC-ALU | Read B1-10 to WL1-10. Replaces c(S) by a 10 bit address. | 32 | Low |
RPRO | CTL-CPM-A | DSKY-KBD | Read the PRO key from DSKY. | n/a | High |
RPT | CTL-CPM-C | MEM-INT | Latch Interrupt Vector | n/a | Low |
RQ | CTL-CPM-A | PROC-CRG-QREG | Read Q1-16 to WL1-16 | 33 | Low |
RQC | CTL-CPM-B | PROC-CRG-QREG | Read Channel bus into Q register | n/a | Low |
RRPA | CTL-CPM-A | MEM-INT | Read address of highest priority interrupt requested. | 34 | Low |
RSB | CTL-CPM-B | MEM-ADR-BNK | Read Channel 7 | n/a | Low |
RSC | CTL-CPM-A | CTL-CPM-B | Read central register defined by address in S reg. Bits 1-16 to WL1-16. | 35 | Low |
RSCT | CTL-CPM-A | MEM-CTR-CNT | Read address of highest priority counter request. | 36 | Low |
RSM3 | CTL-CPM-A | CTL-CPM-C | Subsequence RSM3 is active. (output to C only, not outside CPM) | n/a | Low |
RSTRT | CTL-CPM-A, CTL-CPM-C | PROC-ALU | Octal 04000 to WL's. Block 2 start address. | 37 | Low |
RSTSTG | CTL-CPM-A, CTL-CPM-C | CTL-SEQ | Reset the stage counter to zero. | 38 | Low |
RU | CTL-CPM-A | PROC-ALU | Read U1-16 to WL1-16 | 39 | Low |
runPINC | MEM-CTR-CNT | CTL-CPM-C | Run the PINC sub-seq. | n/a | Low |
RUS | CTL-CPM-A | PROC-ALU | Read U1-14 to WL1-14 & U15 to WL15,16 | 40 | Low |
RZ | CTL-CPM-A, CTL-CPM-B | PROC-CRG-ZREG | Read Z1-16 to WL1-16 | 41 | Low |
SBWG | CTL-CPM-C | MEM-EFM, MEM-MBF-MBL | Write G register to memory shifted. | n/a | Low |
SNI | CTL-SEQ | CTL-CPM-C, CTL-TPG | Set up for next instruction. | n/a | Low |
STBY | CTL-TPG | Various | Put AGC in standby by; disable display, | n/a | Low |
ST1 | CTL-CPM-A | CTL-SEQ | Set Stage 1 flip flop to 1 at next TP12. | 42 | Low |
ST2 | CTL-CPM-A, CTL-CPM-B | CTL-SEQ | Set Stage 2 flip flop to 1 at next TP12. | 43 | Low |
STAGE | CTL-CPM-A | CTL-SEQ, CTL-CPM-C, CTL-SEQ | Execute next sub-instruction as defined by stage counter. | 44 | Low |
TL15 | CTL-CPM-A | CTL-SEQ | Copy L15 into BR1. | 45 | Low |
TM3RUPT | MEM-CTR-CTL | MEM-INT | Interrupt 3 asserted | n/a | Low |
TM4RUPT | MEM-CTR-CTL | MEM-INT | Interrupt 4 asserted | n/a | Low |
TMZ | CTL-CPM-A | CTL-SEQ | Test WL1-16 for all ones. Set BR2=1 if true, else BR2=0. | 46 | Low |
TOV | CTL-CPM-A | CTL-SEQ | Test for overflow (WL16,15). Set BR1/BR2 to 00 if no overflow, 01 if positive overflow, 10 if negative overflow. | 47 | Low |
TP | MEM-EFM | MEM-PAR | Test Parity | n/a | Low |
TPZG | CTL-CPM-A | CTL-SEQ | Test content of G for +0. If true, set BR2 to 1, else BR2=0. | 48 | Low |
TRSM | CTL-CPM-A | CTL-SEQ | Test for resume address (0017) during NDX0. If exists, set c(ST)=3 to execute RSM3, else set c(ST)=1. | 49 | Low |
TSGN | CTL-CPM-A | CTL-SEQ | Test Sign. Copy WL16 to BR1. | 50 | Low |
TSGN2 | CTL-CPM-A | CTL-SEQ | Test Sign 2. Copy WL16 to BR2. | 51 | Low |
TSGU | CTL-CPM-A | CTL-SEQ | Test sign of Sum (U16). Copy U16 into BR1. | 52 | Low |
U16 | PROC-ALU | PROC-CRG-AREG | U reg bit 16 value | n/a | Bit |
U2BBK | Only used by FETCH1, not implemented. | N/A | Adder bits U16,14-11 to FB and U1-3 to EB1-3. May be inhibited by signal MONWBK. | 53 | Low |
W20 | CTL-CPM-B | MEM-MBF-MBL, MEM-MBF-SFT | Perform CYR | n/a | Low |
W21 | CTL-CPM-B | MEM-MBF-MBL, MEM-MBF-SFT | Perform SR | n/a | Low |
W22 | CTL-CPM-B | MEM-MBF-MBL, MEM-MBF-SFT | Perform CYL | n/a | Low |
W23 | CTL-CPM-B | MEM-MBF-MBL, MEM-MBF-SFT | Perform EDOP | n/a | Low |
WA | CTL-CPM-A | PROC-CRG-AREG | Clear and write WL1-16 into A1-16. | 54 | Low |
WALS | CTL-CPM-A | PROC-CRG-AREG, PROC-CRG-LREG | Clear and write into A1-14 from WL3-16. If G1=0, then G16 to A15,16, else U16 to A15,16. Clear and write WL1-2 to L13-14. | 55 | Low |
WB | CTL-CPM-A | PROC-ALU | Clear and write from WL1-16 into B1-16. | 56 | Low |
WBB | CTL-CPM-B | MEM-ADR-BNK | Write to both banks | n/a | Low |
WCH | CTL-CPM-A | CTL-CPM-B, PROC-CRG-WCHN | Clear and write W1-14,16,parity into channel bits 1-14,16,parity. Channel address in S reg. Channels 1 & 2 same as WL & WQ. | 57 | Low |
WE | CTL-CPM-C | MEM-EFM, MEM-MBF-MBL | Write G register contents into memory based on S address. | n/a | Low |
WEB | CTL-CPM-B | MEM-ADR-BNK | Write to Erasable Bank | n/a | Low |
WFB | CTL-CPM-B | MEM-ADR-BNK | Write to Fixed Bank | n/a | Low |
WG | CTL-CPM-A | MEM-MBF-SFT, CTL-CPM-B | Clear and write WL1-16 into G1-16 except for addresses 020-023 which causes editing. | 58 | Low |
WL | CTL-CPM-A | PROC-CRG-LREG | Clear and write WL1-16 into L1-16. | 59 | Low |
WLC | CTL-CPM-B | PROC-CRG-LREG | Write L register to channel bus | n/a | Low |
WOVR | CTL-CPM-A | MEM-CTR-CTL | Test WL15,16 for positive overflow. If S contains 0025, increment counter 024. If S contains 026, 027 or 030 then execute RUPT. | 60 | Low |
WPCTR | CTL-CPM-C | MEM-CTR-CNT | Increment counter | n/a | Low |
WQ | CTL-CPM-A | PROC-CRG-QREG | Clear and write WL1-16 into Q1-16. | 61 | Low |
WQC | CTL-CPM-B | PROC-CRG-QREG | Write to Q register to channel bus | n/a | Low |
WS | CTL-CPM-A | MEM-ADR-S, CTL-CPM-C | Clear and write WL1-12 into preS1-12. | 62 | Low |
WSB | CTL-CPM-B | MEM-ADR-BNK | Write to Channel 7 | n/a | Low |
WSC | CTL-CPM-A | CTL-CPM-B | Clear and write into central register specified by S register | 63 | Low |
WST | CTL-CPM-C | MEM-ADR-S | Move preS data to S reg | n/a | Low |
WSQ | CTL-CPM-A, CTL-CPM-C | CTL-SEQ | Clear and write WL10-14,16 into SQ10-14,16 and copy extend flop flop into SQ15. | 64 | Low |
WY | CTL-CPM-A | PROC-ALU | Clear X, Y & CI. Write WL1-16 into Y1-16. | 65 | Low |
WY12 | CTL-CPM-A | PROC-ALU | Clear X, Y & CI. Write WL1-12 into Y1-12. | 66 | Low |
WYD | CTL-CPM-A | PROC-ALU | Clear X, Y & CI. Write WL1-14 into Y2-15 and WL16 into Y16. Write WL16 into Y1 except 1) when end-around carry is inhibited by NEACON 2) during SHINC sequence or 3) PIFL is active and L15=1. | 67 | Low |
WZ | CTL-CPM-A, CTL-CPM-C | PROC-CRG-ZREG | Clear and write WL1-16 into Z1-16. | 68 | Low |
Z15 | CTL-CPM-A | PROC-CRG-ZREG | Set bit 15 of Z to 1. | 69 | Low |
Z16 | CTL-CPM-A | PROC-CRG-ZREG | Set bit 16 of Z to 1. | 70 | Low |
ZAP | CTL-CPM-A | CTL-CPM-A | Generate control pulses RU, G2LS & WALS. Used by MP K instruction. | 71 | Low |
ZIP | CTL-CPM-A | CTL-CPM-A | Generate control pulses A2X & L2GD. Also the pulses shown below. | 72 | Low |
ZIP also implies if L15,2,1 are:
0 | 0 | 0 | – | WY | – | – |
0 | 0 | 1 | RB | WY | – | – |
0 | 1 | 0 | RB | WYD | – | – |
0 | 1 | 1 | RC | WY | CI | MCRO |
1 | 0 | 0 | RB | WY | – | – |
1 | 0 | 1 | RB | WYD | – | – |
1 | 1 | 0 | RC | WY | CI | MCRO |
1 | 1 | 1 | – | WY | – | MCRO |
The instructions that are executed by the AGC are integral to the understanding of both the hardware and the software. They are described here so as not to clutter the design section. In the following sections, L is the location of the instruction and K is the data address (i.e. the operand) of the instruction. Items in parenthesis preceded by “c” mean the resulting contents of that variable. Items in parenthesis preceded by “b” mean the contents before the operations. The “editing if K is 0020 – 0023” means the bit shifts and rotates occur.
There are both “voluntary” and “involuntary” instructions. The voluntary instructions are the ones that can be coded, compiled and placed in fixed memory to execute. The involuntary instructions are triggered as part of counter interrupts and cannot be coded into a fixed memory program. The only involuntary instruction implemented here is the PINC instruction due to the limited counters implemented.
- TC K: Transfer Control
This instruction transfers control to address K after placing the return address into Q. The special cases are K = 3, 4 & 6.
c(Q) ← L + 1
- TC 3: RELINT: Allow Interrupts
This instruction allows the resumption of interrupts after the INHINT instruction.
- TC 4: INHINT: Inhibit Interrupts
This instruction inhibits interrupts from occurring.
- TC 6: EXTEND: Extracode Bit
This instruction sets the extracode bit which sets the high order, bit 16 of the opcode. This is used to double the number of available instructions and is used for less frequently used instructions as it requires this extra instruction to execute the extracode instructions.
- CCS K: Count, Compare & Skip
This instruction is a four way branching instruction. The following describes the four branching conditions. The value assigned to K is called the Diminished Absolute Value (DABS) which replaces A with one less than the its previous value. This allows for a looping count down construct.
c(A) ← DABS[(K)] where DABS(x) = |x| - 1 if |x| > 1 or +0 if |x| <= 1
c(K) ← b(K), editing if K is 0020 - 0023
if b(K) > +0 then no skip
if b(K) = +0 then skip to L + 2
if b(K) < -0 then skip to L + 3
if b(K) = -0 then skip to L + 4
- DAS K: Double Add to Storage
This instruction adds the contents of K and K + 1 to the A and L registers. If K or K + 1 is 0020 through 0023 then the shifts/rotates occur.
c(K, K + 1) ← b(A, L) + b(K, K + 1)
- LXCH K: Exchange L and K
This instruction exchanges L with K. The prime tick indicates overflow correction.
c(L) ← b'(K)
c(K) ← b(L), editing if K is 0020 - 0023
- INCR K: Increment
This instruction increments K.
c(K) ← b(K) + 1, editing if K is 0020 - 0023
- ADS K: Add to Storage
This instruction adds A to K and the results are both placed into A and K.
c(A) & c(K) ← b(K) + b(A), editing if K is 0020 - 0023
- CA K: Clear and Add
This instruction places the value of K into A.
c(A) ← b(K)
c(K) ← b(K), editing if K is 0020 – 0023
- CS K: Clear and Subtract
This instruction places the negated value of K into register A.
c(A) ← -b(K)
c(K) ← b(K), editing if K is 0020 - 0023
- INDEX K: Index Next Instruction
This instruction modifies the next instruction by adding the operand to the next instruction.
c(K) ← b(K), editing if K is 0020 – 0023
Use [b(K) + c(I + 1)] as next instruction
- INDEX 0017: Resume Interrupted Program
This is a special instruction that resumes from an interrupted program. c(0017) contains the next instruction.
c(Z) = c(0015)
- DXCH K: Double Exchange
This instruction exchanges the contents of A and L with K and K + 1.
c(A, L) ← b(K, K + 1)
c(K, K + 1) ← b(A, L), editing if K or K + 1 is 0020 - 0023
- TS K: Transfer to Storage
This instruction transfers the contents of K to storage.
c(K) ← b(A), editing if K is 0020 - 0023
if (A) has positive overflow, A ← +1, skip to L + 2
if (A) has negative overflow, A ← -1, skip to L + 2
- XCH K: Exchange
This instruction exchanges the data in K with the data in register A.
c(A) ← b(K)
c(K) ← b(A), editing if K is 0020 - 0023
- MASK K: Mask
This instruction ORs the contents of K with the contents of A.
c(A) ← b(A) || c(K)
- READ KC: Read Channel KC
This instruction reads the KC channel into register A.
c(A) ← c(KC)
- WRITE KC: Write Channel KC
This instruction writes the contents of register A onto the KC channel.
c(KC) ← c(A)
- RAND KC: Read and Mask
This instruction reads the KC channel and ANDs it with the contents of register A.
c(A) ← b(A) & c(KC)
- WAND KC: Write and Mask
This instruction writes the contents of register A masked with the contents of KC channel into A and KC.
c(KC) and c(A) ← b(A) & b(KC)
- ROR KC: Read and Superimpose
This instruction reads the KC channel and ORes it with the contents of register A.
c(A) ← b(A) || c(KC)
- WOR KC: Write and Superimpose
This instruction writes the contents of register A ORed with the contents of KC channel into A and KC.
c(KC) and c(A) ← b(A) || b(KC)
- RXOR KC: Read and Invert
This instruction reads the KC channel and XORes it with the contents of register A.
c(A) ← b(A) xor c(KC)
- DV K: Divide
This instruction divides the contents of A by the contents of K. The quotient is placed in A and the remainder is places in Q.
c(A) ← b(A, L) / c(K)
c(L) ← remainder
- **BZF K: Branch Zero to Fixed ** This instruction branches to instruction in K if the contents of A is zero else it simply executes the next instruction.
If c(A) = 0 then branch to K.
- MSU K: Modular Subtract
This instruction performs a 1's compliment subtraction of K from A. A modular subtraction is the difference between two unsigned 2's compliment inputs.
c(A) ← b(A) 0 b(K) where 0 is a modular subtract
c(K) ← b(K), editing if K is 0020 – 0023
- QXCH K: Exchange Q and K
This instruction exchanges the contents of the Q register and the contents of K.
c(Q) ← b(K)
c(K) ← b(Q), editing if K is 0020 – 0023
- AUG K: Augment
This instruction augments K which means the value is incremented if positive or decremented if negative.
If b(K) >= +0, c(K) ← b(K) + 1, editing if K is 0020 – 0023
If b(K) <= -0, c(K) ← b(K) - 1, editing if K is 0020 – 0023
- DIM K: Diminish
This instruction diminishes K which means the value is decremented if positive or incremented if negative.
If b(K) > +0, c(K) ← b(K) - 1, editing if K is 0020 – 0023
if b(K) = 0, c(K) ← b(K), editing if K is 0020 - 0023
If b(K) < -0, c(K) ← b(K) +1, editing if K is 0020 – 0023
- DCA K: Double Clear and Add
This instruction moves K and K + 1 to A and L.
c(A, L) ← b(K, K + 1)
c(K) ← b(K), editing if K is 0020 – 0023
c(K + 1) ← b(K + 1), editing if K is 0020 – 0023
- DCS K: Double Clear and Subtract
This instruction moves the negated values of K and K + 1 to A and L.
c(A, L) ← -b(K, K + 1)
c(K) ← b(K), editing if K is 0020 – 0023
c(K + 1) ← b(K + 1), editing if K is 0020 – 0023
- INDEX K: Index Extracode
This instruction is the same as the non-extracode version except the extracode switch is not reset.
- SU K: Subtract
This instruction subtracts the contents of K from A. If an overflow occurs, either +1 or -1 is placed into A depending on the type of overflow.
c(A) ← b(A) – b(K)
c(K) ← b(K), editing if K is 0020 – 0022
- BZMF K: Branch Zero or Minus to Fixed
This instruction branches to the instruction at K if register A is zero or negative, otherwise it continues with the next instruction.
if c(A) <= +0, branch to instruction at K,
else execute next instruction
- MP K: Multiply
This instruction multiplies the contents of with the contents of K. The results are placed into the A and L registers.
c(A, L) ← b(A) * c(K)
- PINC: Positive Increment
This involuntary instruction is used to increment a counter by one.
c(CTR) = b(CTR) + 1
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