
Running Game with BW16

Tried creating a running game with BW16

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I came across a YouTube channel called Techno-E-solution, where the creator uses Arduino to create an endless running game utilizing simple components like a push button, LCD (16x2), and jumper wires. It's awesome, and I tried it out on BW16! The "Burn" button can be used as a push button on BW16. Besides from the custom character generator that I shared previously, I discovered another custom character generator that the creator used to generate the character and running course!

Custom character generator:
Try it out and play with your friends while creating a challenging running path!

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ino - 9.52 kB - 08/01/2022 at 08:54


  • 1 × BW16
  • 1 × I2C 16x2 LCD module
  • 4 × Jumper wires

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LoganHuel wrote 09/21/2022 at 10:00 point

The Running Game is the most important aspect of the game. The running game is defined as a player’s ability to move the ball in space and create positive possessions. In this article we will look at how to run the ball effectively and discuss some ways that you can add value to your team through this skill. I need to read things about the zodiac casino before starting playing it with my friends who earn a lot of money through it.

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